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biography lancelot #8

Open biolancer opened 1 year ago

biolancer commented 1 year ago

Heyhey, could you add the following biography to the website? I've also attached my picture to the post.

Thanks a lot!

Lancelot Seillier, M.Sc.

Scientific Researcher / Bioinformatician



I am interested in large scale multi-omics studies to uncover hollistic models investigating multi-organ diseases, oncogenesis and evolution in cancer. Furthermore, I am interested in optimizing and streamlining data analysis, ensuring data quality and facilitating interpretation of cancer sequencing data in the clinical context.

Scientific Background:

I received my Master's Degree in Biology in 2019 at the Institute for Botanic and Molecular Genetics of the RWTH Aachen University, where I used Nanopore long-read and Illumina short-read sequencing to help reconstructing the reference genome of a polyploid potato cultivar. This further sparked my interest in Omics and led me to join the Institute of Pathology of the RWTH University clinic, where I focused on reconstructing the clonal composition of bladder cancer for clinical application in cooperation with the Peifer Lab in Cologne from 2019 to 2022. I am working as a bioinformatician and analyst for multiple cooperative projects, including the DNPM initative and the CIO-ABCD, helping in analyzing cancer sequencing data.


joyceykao commented 1 year ago

@biolancer Any socials to add on your page? LinkedIn, Twitter, ORCID, Google Scholar, personal website, etc.

biolancer commented 1 year ago

Hey, sorry for the late reply:

ORCID-ID: Researchgate: And my empty Twitter-Account: @lanceseillier