joye61 / pic-smaller

Pic Smaller – Compress JPEG, PNG, WEBP, AVIF, SVG and GIF images intelligently
MIT License
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在手机上传完图片只显示配置选项,压缩列表反而没显示出来 #19

Open ninvfeng opened 6 months ago

ninvfeng commented 6 months ago


joye61 commented 6 months ago

Pic Smaller was not prepared to adapt to mobile devices at the beginning. In view of many people's requests, I made responsive support for the UI. But unfortunately, there are still some functional problems that have not been solved on the mobile terminal. I am quite busy now, so it may be slower to deal with these problems.


  1. 在不同的手机浏览器有格式兼容问题导致压缩失败
  2. 移动端压缩后效果对比功能存在Bug,无法左右拖动