$ uname -a
Linux arch 3.17.3-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Nov 14 23:13:48 CET 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux
The system is a guest inside virtualbox, but this should not be a problem in this case, as the file is not located in a shared folder.
Steps to reproduce:
Using a different editor(I've tried nano) doesn't cause this bug. This led me to think that maybe the fd passed to inotify gets invalid after vim has done something strange while saving the file.
I'm unable to test this on windows ATM.
Ok, as figured it out in IRC - the cause is VIM, who creates the tmp file, and removes original file, and moves the tmp file to original file's location. Not an issue.
The system is a guest inside virtualbox, but this should not be a problem in this case, as the file is not located in a shared folder. Steps to reproduce:
After the file is written, further changes to the file aren't caught by the program.Program output:
Commands run:
None of the above commands after vim editing is detected.
strace output: https://gist.github.com/doppioandante/67da576ec82c06b6ffd2
Using a different editor(I've tried nano) doesn't cause this bug. This led me to think that maybe the fd passed to inotify gets invalid after vim has done something strange while saving the file. I'm unable to test this on windows ATM.