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Core Team Members #8

Open tjfontaine opened 9 years ago

tjfontaine commented 9 years ago

Below is from an internal thread from the advisory board, included here to start the discussion.

Core Team members


  • we need to define who is on the TC, how members roll off, and how new members are added.


Current membership is already defined. Members can leave at any time, or be voted out by a quorum if necessary. (I plan to retire from the TC myself, once we have gotten it to a more stable place and added a few more members.)

I don't agree that we need much process for how new members are added except to say that it ought to be by a consensus of the existing TC members. Typically we'll know if someone ought to be moved into that role.


I don't agree that we need much process for how new members are added except to say that it ought to be by a consensus of the existing TC members. Typically we'll know if someone ought to be moved into that role.

Agreed, although I would suggest Apache-style voting to formalize that consensus. BTW votes are public within an area of work. So TC voting happens on the public TC list, which is normally populated by the TC itself, plus interested parties (anybody interested enough to subscribe). Apache has the concept of "binding votes", so while any subscribed party can send in a vote, only actual TC members' votes are binding. That allows the community to register its opinion, but leaves the actual decision in the hands of those doing the actual work.

Obviously it should be instructive to any voting body if non-binding vote outcomes diverge from the binding vote outcomes. Apache weighs "Community over Code" because they feel community health is an important pre-condition for code health.

mikeal commented 9 years ago

Here's a draft for an initial membership list:

Here's how new members get added to the TC

isaacs commented 9 years ago

+1 to adopting the NFTC rules as-is on this issue.

mikeal commented 9 years ago

Might want to ask @tootallnate if he still wants to be involved.