joyhughes / Jen

Image processing, generative photography, cellular automata
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Added kaleidoscope function #138

Closed DM-netizen closed 1 month ago

DM-netizen commented 1 month ago

Added a Kaleidoscope function in effect.cpp that works on a vector field and generates a new effect. Resolves issue #121

joyhughes commented 1 month ago

I am reviewing this pull request - I will be testing it and walking through each step in the process with you.

joyhughes commented 1 month ago

kaleido jpg0001 I am still fixing bugs but some of the bugs look cool!

joyhughes commented 1 month ago

PR approved. Congratulations!

I fixed a few bugs elsewhere in the code.

You'll note in kaleido.json the queue of three buffers, rendered in order. The first is the floating point vector field, over which the kaleidoscope function is calculated. The second is the warp field, integers representing the index of the target values. The third is the image being warped.

These correspond to the eff_kaleidoscope, eff_fill_warp, and eff_feedback

kaleido jpg0000