joypixels / emojify.js

A Javascript module to convert Emoji keywords to images
MIT License
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No info in about replace(string, callback) #61

Closed adam-lynch closed 10 years ago

adam-lynch commented 10 years ago

Use case: email. I need to inline the styles suggested in gh-pages;

<img title=':fr:' alt=':fr:' class='emoji' src='images/emoji/fr.png' align='absmiddle' style='width:1.5em;height:1.5em;display:inline-block;margin-bottom:-0.25em;' />


  1. Allow the user to provide an optional style value.
  2. Allow the user to pass an object (attributes to values) which are taken and added to the element. Not sure what to do here though if they specify an attribute this package adds itself. Maybe append, maybe not.
  3. Allow the user to pass a callback function which is called once the element is created. It could get passed some details; the emoji found, the named emoji which it will be replaced with, and the image URL.

Option 3 is definitely the best option. The problem is what arguments should the callback have and what should the user return.

Ideally, for browser users, getting passed the HTML element would be best;

    onReplaceCallback: function(element, args){
        if(args.type === 'emoticon') element.class += ' emoticion-used';
        return element;

I'm using this with Node myself. For Node users, I guess all you can give them is the string / attributes. It would be terrible to make this inconsistent though. For the sake of consistency between browser & Node, how about this for both?

emoji.replace(text, function(attributes){ = 'background: blue;';
    attributes.title += ' emoji';
    return attributes;

And only allow it in emojify.replace until the rest of the features are made compatible with Node. (#50).

hassankhan commented 10 years ago

It's an interesting idea, but I'm not quite sure if there's that much of a need for it. You said you needed it for emails, maybe you could use a style inliner instead? I know of at least one

adam-lynch commented 10 years ago

The inliners out there are really not up to scratch. 99% of them depend on Juice which has fatal bugs on Windows.

A lot of libraries that do stuff like this allow callbacks, etc. to modify the element / add classes, etc. See, especially the last three. I don't have a use case for adding a class right now, but I think it's very likely that someone might one to add classes / other attributes.

adam-lynch commented 10 years ago

I carried on reading through my notifications and already, I've found someone asking for a similar thing with another project; twitter/twitter-text-js#134. This library parses mentions (ie. @someones-name) and sticks them in anchor, etc.

hassankhan commented 10 years ago

I always thought Premailer was quite good, it's what I use at work, sure it doesn't suit your needs?

adam-lynch commented 10 years ago

I think we didn't go with that just because it's not Node. Also see (and there are more issues with other ones). Even if the swig mailer one fixed it, then swig itself doesn't support Windows properly IMO.

I think it comes down to this, any plugin that puts HTML on a page should allow users some control over those HTML elements. Usually it's done with callback hooks or something like that. I've needed to do it with almost every library I've used which injected HTML, for example: validators that inject validation messages, datepickers, etc. Sure my use case is for a style attribute, but another person might need a class, another a data attribute, etc. I don't see any good reason not to be support it.

As of right now, after the replacing, I use regex to grab the image's with the emoji class and stick on the style attribute but that isn't nice at all.

4ver commented 10 years ago

+1 for this. An api like marked ( would be great. They let you provide a custom renderer which contains optional functions that are called for each type of element. You're given the text (and other relevant arguments) and return a string of the html that will be output.

renderer = function (emojiName, imagePath) {
    return '<img src="' + imagePath + '" alt="' + emojiName + '" data-whatever="something"/>'
hassankhan commented 10 years ago

Actually .... I've just remembered, you can use replace(htmlString, replacer), where replacer is a callback function (see defaultReplacer in the source).

adam-lynch commented 10 years ago

Oh @hassankhan, this is great if correct. These kind of things really need to be added to the readme & gh-pages though.

hassankhan commented 10 years ago

I know, you're totally right, the readme is in dire need of a good rewrite. Hope that helps with your use case now, though :smile:

hassankhan commented 10 years ago

Leaving it open so I remember to update the readme

4ver commented 10 years ago

Excellent. Would be good to have the path or config passed as well. Thanks!

hassankhan commented 10 years ago

Well, it currently uses the img_dir value passed in the config object. Is that what you're referring to?

4ver commented 10 years ago

That the img_dir variable should be passed through to the replacer function.

hassankhan commented 10 years ago

I don't think it needs to be, necessarily. Any specific reason why, other than good practice?

4ver commented 10 years ago

Good practice I guess. I'd expect to be passed all of the variables needed to reproduce what the default replacer returns. Otherwise, as a user you'd have to keep track of the config outside of the module. Is not a big deal though.

adam-lynch commented 10 years ago

Good practice definitely. If I pass dir/dir/ for example, you have logic that handlings that trailing slash, then I have to duplicate that logic in my replacer function and always make sure it's in sync with yours because I might only want to pass the custom replacer in some cases and reply on the default in others.

adam-lynch commented 10 years ago

Also, maybe it should be passed an object as a parameter instead. There are already two parameters and we're saying it should have the base URL there now too. It's normally said not to go past three paramters. If it was an object, you could easily add more in the future without actually having to add an actual parameter to the method signature / API.

hassankhan commented 10 years ago

Yeah that was one of my concerns.

adam-lynch commented 10 years ago

Ok, this is now much cleaner for my use case :smile:;

    renderEmoji: (text) =>
        emojiReplacerArgs = [text]
        emojiReplacerArgs.push @customEmojiReplacer if @inlineEmojiStyle

        return emoji.replace.apply this, emojiReplacerArgs

    customEmojiReplacer: (emoji, name) =>
        return "<img title='#{emoji}' alt='#{emoji}' class='emoji' src='#{@emojiBaseUrl}/#{name}.png' align='absmiddle' style='width:1.5em;height:1.5em;display:inline-block;margin-bottom:-0.25em;'/>"


4ver commented 10 years ago

Joob! The config would need to be a property of this though.

adam-lynch commented 10 years ago

Don't forget to document that when a short emoji is matched (e.g. :)), that the arguments will be :) and smile, instead of :smile: and smile.

But really all three should be passed; the emoji found (:)), the name (smile) and the emoji (:smile:). Because of the inconsistency here, the replacer above now doesn't work; it needs to ignore the emoji parameter;

customEmojiReplacer: (emoji, name) =>
        return "<img title=':#{name}:' alt=':#{name}:' class='emoji' src='#{@emojiBaseUrl}/#{name}.png' align='absmiddle' style='width:1.5em;height:1.5em;display:inline-block;margin-bottom:-0.25em;'/>"
adam-lynch commented 10 years ago


The config would need to be a property of this though.

Ignore those kind of details which are just specific to my example implementation. Like, my example also depends on @inlineEmojiStyle which is defined elsewhere.

4ver commented 10 years ago

Roger that!

hassankhan commented 10 years ago

I don't agree with the need for all three to be passed (i.e. the emoji found, the name and the emoji). Right now you get the emoji/emoticon pattern that was matched, and the corresponding image name.

Having the image directory passed through can/maybe should be done, but as it currently stands you can retrieve it from defaultConfig anyway, right?

hassankhan commented 10 years ago

I've updated, mind having a quick read, see if I've missed anything out?

adam-lynch commented 10 years ago

Having the image directory passed through can/maybe should be done, but as it currently stands you can retrieve it from defaultConfig anyway, right?

Can you give an example?

The README looks good except you should probably mention that run can't be used in Node / only replace can be.

hassankhan commented 10 years ago
function newReplacer(emoji, name) {
    return emojify.defaultConfig.emojify_tag_type; // Will be whatever you set it to with `emojify.setConfig()`

Thanks, I'll update again

adam-lynch commented 10 years ago

Maybe .replace deserves it's own proper section in the readme.

adam-lynch commented 10 years ago
return emojify.defaultConfig.emojify_tag_type; // Will be whatever you set it to with `emojify.setConfig()`

defaultConfig is a misleading name then :/.

Also what if I don't pass an image base URL, will the default be in that property?

hassankhan commented 10 years ago

If you don't pass an image base URL, the default is 'images/emoji', just like it says on the readme. I do agree, though, defaultConfig is misleading. defaultConfig should be the defaults, and there should probably be a config object that is a copy of it, which gets overwritten by emojify.setConfig()

adam-lynch commented 10 years ago

If you don't pass an image base URL, the default is 'images/emoji', just like it says on the readme.

Yeah but it's not accessible via defaultConfig like anyone would assume, plus if it ever changed then any user's code assuming it's images/emoji would break. As @4ver said, "I'd expect to be passed all of the variables needed to reproduce what the default replacer returns." That is just common practice. I feel like a lot of people would be confused using this library, things aren't obvious / as expected / like other libraries.

The readme could still be better I think. It would help a lot in this respect.

Now type in an emoji keyword in your HTML, for example :smile: Now run emojify using To exclude tags from being emojified, add no-emojify to their class attributes.

You can optionally pass an object to to restrict the emojification to that object only:'my-element'))

You can also use emojify.replace() method to emojify a string directly

Documenting methods in this way means someone has to read through big blocks of text to see what they need to do / use. Why not have a sections (with their own big headings) for:

It's important to clearly document each method's parameters and return values. What some projects do is generate some of their readme from code comments. I also think it's very important that the readme and gh-pages are very consistent; then if you change one, you should update the other too. Or, really simplify one (let's say gh-pages) to a small description (maybe with a live textarea example) and then link to the "documentation" (the readme).

(Plus, clearly label what works on Node and what doesn't)

hassankhan commented 10 years ago

Updated readme in 81573459441ed0d417ccb50823695083d76ec445. Better? I haven't gotten around to the GitHub Pages yet, I'm going to just leave it as a live sample, and make it point to the repo for everything else.

adam-lynch commented 10 years ago

Better. How about something like this for parameters:


This only works in the browser


hassankhan commented 10 years ago

Nice!! Looks much better :smile:

hassankhan commented 10 years ago

Pushed another update, mind have a look, please? :smile:

adam-lynch commented 10 years ago

The difference between ### and #### isn't very obvious (like the method name & "Parameters") so maybe change that to one of the following:

Change the first "Usage" heading to "API". Makes more sense to me, plus it's confusing since you have a "usage" section inside each method too anyway.

Small thing: npm should be lowercase. I saw they said it one of their docs once.

I just saw this now:

To exclude tags from being emojified, add no-emojify to their class attributes.

I so wish I could do this in Node! :smile:

hassankhan commented 10 years ago

Ok, pushed again.

I so wish I could do this in Node! :smile:

Haha, well I'm planning to remove that in favour of a blacklist option which would have that as a default instead.

hassankhan commented 10 years ago

Guess this can safely be closed now :+1: