joywins25 / Challenge_SvelteKit

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[solved] has anyone succeeded in using the API of 'Details' at the url : ? #1

Closed joywins25 closed 6 months ago

joywins25 commented 6 months ago

please note that I am following the tutorial on sveltekit using API at the url : | SvelteKit For Beginners | Movie App Tutorial - YouTube | developedbyed

I like this tutorial and this movie API, so I am looking for how to use this API to complete the tutorial.

has anyone succeeded in using the API of 'Details' at the url : ?

an error 500, strict-origin-when-cross-origin at 'src/routes/movie/[id]/+page.svelte'

the web browser display '{data.title}' as 'undefined' at the path like 'http://localhost:5173/movie/787699'.

I changed to the variable name into 'data' in order to recheck but failed, too.

I concluded that any change has occurred in the movie api
because I tested an other example at the path of 'http://localhost:5173/stock/aapl' and it works well now.

Movie Detail


* file : src\routes\movie\[id]\+page.server.js

// URL :

import { MOVIE_API_KEY } from '$env/static/private'; import { error } from '@sveltejs/kit';

export async function load({fetch, params}){

console.log(' : ',;

try {
    const url = `${}?language=en-US&api_key=${MOVIE_API_KEY}`;
    console.log('url : ', url);

    const res = await fetch(url);        
    const data = await res.json();
    console.log('data : ', data);

    if (res.ok) {
        return {
            props: { data },
    } else {
        throw new Error('Failed to fetch data');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching data:', error);
// Handle the error here, potentially by displaying an error message to the user


joywins25 commented 6 months ago