jozefizso / WiX.Toolset.NuGet

Unofficial NuGet package for the WiX Toolset
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The toolset package will not install for a custom-action project #3

Open robdalsanto opened 7 years ago

robdalsanto commented 7 years ago

This defeats the purpose of the NuGet package from a build-server POV when custom-action projects are part of the solution.

My WIXPROJ has the following: `

` My custom-action CSPROJ has a similar section like: ` ` I can successfully add the WiX.Toolset package to the WIXPROJ. But when I add it to the CSPROJ, I get the following in the Output-Package Manager: > Attempting to gather dependency information for package 'WiX.Toolset.UnofficialFork.3.11.0' with respect to project 'InstallerCustomActions', targeting '.NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2' Attempting to resolve dependencies for package 'WiX.Toolset.UnofficialFork.3.11.0' with DependencyBehavior 'Lowest' Resolving actions to install package 'WiX.Toolset.UnofficialFork.3.11.0' Resolved actions to install package 'WiX.Toolset.UnofficialFork.3.11.0' Package 'WiX.Toolset.UnofficialFork.3.11.0' already exists in folder 'C:\CopperLeaf\VC2015_Dev\packages' Added package 'WiX.Toolset.UnofficialFork.3.11.0' to 'packages.config' Executing script file 'C:\CopperLeaf\VC2015_Dev\packages\WiX.Toolset.UnofficialFork.3.11.0\tools\Install.ps1'... Install failed. Rolling back... Executing script file 'C:\CopperLeaf\VC2015_Dev\packages\WiX.Toolset.UnofficialFork.3.11.0\tools\Uninstall.ps1'... [WiX.Toolset] You need to restart Visual Studio to load the updated WiX Toolset files and prevent build errors. Removed package 'WiX.Toolset.UnofficialFork.3.11.0' from 'packages.config' **System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException: 'InstallerCustomActions' is not a WiX project! This package will only work on WiX projects. ---> System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException: 'InstallerCustomActions' is not a WiX project! This package will only work on WiX projects.** --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PipelineBase.Invoke(IEnumerable input) at NuGetConsole.Host.PowerShell.Implementation.RunspaceDispatcher.<>c__DisplayClass21_0.b__0() at NuGetConsole.Host.PowerShell.Implementation.RunspaceDispatcher.WithLock(Action act) at NuGetConsole.Host.PowerShell.Implementation.RunspaceDispatcher.InvokeCore(Pipeline pipeline, IEnumerable`1 inputs) at NuGetConsole.Host.PowerShell.Implementation.RunspaceDispatcher.Invoke(String command, Object[] inputs, Boolean outputResults) at NuGetConsole.Host.PowerShell.Implementation.SyncPowerShellHost.ExecuteHost(String fullCommand, String command, Object[] inputs) at NuGetConsole.Host.PowerShell.Implementation.PowerShellHost.Execute(IConsole console, String command, Object[] inputs) at NuGetConsole.ScriptExecutor.<>c__DisplayClass29_0.b__0() at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke() at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
jozefizso commented 7 years ago

We use this package in our CustomAction DLL project and it works fine even on build machine.

As I read the installation script, it may not be added directly from the NuGet UI. It will work if you add it manually or force the installation.