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Shaman Rotation #410

Closed arch1mede closed 9 years ago

arch1mede commented 10 years ago

When I select usecd's he pops Ascendance and just stands there and does nothing. Shouldn't he spam Lava burst or chain lightning?

Also can you add in a on mouse over use hex assigned to some key and do like an aoe assignment where it puts down earthquake and magma totem? I am not sure of the best way to do those.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Yeah I did some time ago a better rotation which i forgot to save and overwrote it :( I push an update in a few minutes

ghost commented 10 years ago

hmm strange I pushed my update a month ago. Does it cast lava burst without ascendance? Do you updated your whole jps ? Is multitarget active? try the following:

-> active jps -> active cooldowns -> deactive other buttons -> engange combat

I don't know how the transform from chain lightning to ascendance works in jps. if it is like with the warlock demo rotation we still need jps to cast "chain lightning" (and not lava beam).

jsmb768ypl commented 10 years ago

Glad to see you guys are still working on this, what program are you using to unlock lua and is there a forum you guys are on now instead of pocketgnome?

ghost commented 10 years ago

arch1mede commented 10 years ago

Ok I just updated my JPS but he still just stands there, talking with a friend who plays an ele shaman, all he does is spam Lava Burst when he pops ascendance. Maybe change it to that.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Try please what I wrote above! It should already spam lava burst/lava beam in ascendance, this is in the rotation for 1 month or longer.

also try a /jps reset

arch1mede commented 10 years ago


I apologize for the wait. Work, life etc.. anyways I thought I would try this again. He still just stands there and does nothing when he pops ascendance. I have done what you asked, I did a jps reset and turned off everything but use CD's and jps.

ghost commented 10 years ago

no problem, I currently didn't have much time due our raids (running 2x10 man raids & merging them in january to a 25 man raid).

The problem is I can't test it on my shamans since he is only lvl 81. What I can suggest you (or a other shaman) that someone give's me for 30minutes - 1 hour access to an EU account with a shaman at least at lvl 87(it's the level where you get ascendance).

What you can do otherwise:

enter /jps debug engage combat, pop ascendance (let jps cooldown button toggled off) and whatch your chat box for spells which should be used. there could be stuff like

"lightning bolt: cooldown not finished" "lighnint bolt: out of range") ...etc

I need to know which debug messages you get when you're in ascendance and jps tries to use lightning bolt/lava beam, chain lightning etc...