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Please add casting ability while riding Telaari Talbuk Part 2 #429

Open arch1mede opened 9 years ago

arch1mede commented 9 years ago

-- STOP Combat if ((IsMounted() == true and not jps.buff("Telaari Talbuk")) and jps.getConfigVal("dismount in combat") == 0 ) or UnitIsDeadOrGhost("player")==1 or jps.buff(L["Drink"],"player") then return end

Doesn't seem to work on a Shadow Priest. You start your attack and he just sits there. I attempted to turn on /jps debug but nothing shows up to indicate the issue. I did a /jps reset and /jps db with the same results. I also noticed that while on the Talbuk he doesn't auto shield.

arch1mede commented 9 years ago

Ok the Talbuk issue only shows up if I have Auspicious Spirits Talent, once I change to Clarity of Power it starts to work but then I start getting errors spammed into the chat frame:

[09:03:04] Your rotation has an error in: priestshadow.activeEnemies >= 3,priestshadow.chain==1,priestshadow.interruptIf==(jps.cooldown(priestshadow.mindBlast) <= 0.1 or jps.cooldown(priestshadow.shadowWordDeath) <= 0.1) ---Interface\AddOns\JPS\jpconditionparser.lua:330: Unexpected ,:, conditions must be combined using keywords 'and' or 'or'! [09:03:04] Your rotation has an error in: dot.priestshadow.devouringPlaguetick.priestshadow.ticksRemain > 1 and priestshadow.activeEnemies==1,priestshadow.chain==1,priestshadow.interruptIf==(jps.cooldown(priestshadow.mindBlast) <= 0.1 or jps.cooldown(priestshadow.shadowWordDeath) <= 0.1) ---Interface\AddOns\JPS\jpconditionparser.lua:330: Unexpected ,:, conditions must be combined using keywords 'and' or 'or'! [09:03:04] Your rotation has an error in: jps.buff(priestshadow.shadowyInsight) and jps.cooldown(priestshadow.mindBlast) == 0 jps.Moving ---Interface\AddOns\JPS\jpconditionparser.lua:330: Unexpected iden:jps conditions must be combined using keywords 'and' or 'or'! [09:03:04] Your rotation has an error in: jps.talentInfo(priestshadow.cascade) and jps.IsSpellInRange(priestshadow.cascade,"target") jps.Moving ---Interface\AddOns\JPS\jpconditionparser.lua:330: Unexpected iden:jps conditions must be combined using keywords 'and' or 'or'!

kirk24788 commented 9 years ago

The current PvE Shadow Rotation is broken, I looked into it and hoped there would be an easy fix, but I guess it has to be completely rewritten.