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battery info missing in webgui for battery-version of SenAct-4-4 #14

Closed harvey637 closed 6 years ago

harvey637 commented 6 years ago

Hi, even if powerusage of the battery variants is in hot discussion one more thingy irritates me:

When dealing with device.xml: do you know where I can find the "HMID" (this 3 byte hex serial) anywhere in gui or else? I only see them when sniffing with cc1101 of some other device? Not in iobroker, webgui, HQ-webgui ...

harvey637 commented 6 years ago

PS: list0 (maintenance) can be opened in HQ-webgui. Which is handy tool for seeing a bit more :-) But still here no HMID and these devices missing in "battery devices".

CU Harvey

jp112sdl commented 6 years ago

There is no "extra" field for the battery state. When battery is low, it causes a "Servicemeldung" in CCU. You can't see this in the device itself.

where I can find the "HMID" (this 3 byte hex serial) anywhere in gui or else?

In /etc/config/rfd/ is a file for each device. There you can find the IDs in it.

I don't know how HQ WebUI works and how it handles custom devices...

harvey637 commented 6 years ago

Hi, when using the WDS30-OT2-1820 (no addon device, regular device model {0x00, 0xa8}, // Device Model every temperature in webgui has a gray field same size right of temperature (so it is like two columns) which displays the words "Battery ok". As these gui fields are generated by entries inside the device.xml (in this case the original WDS30-OT2) the fields are displayed == OK. In case of your Sens-Act-4-4_BAT (yes, the _BAT!) I only see the status of relais and buttons in one column, the second column with the "Battery ok" is missing. Not really a problem, as I assume a warning in the system_messages, when the battery goes low. Only some optical "difference" to original devices. I stumbled over this, as I play with SensAct_battery and WDS30_ds18b20 by accident. cu Harvey

harvey637 commented 6 years ago

The question about the "HMID" comes from my fault while playing around, I changes the "Serial", this 10 byte string, that is used everywhere in the gui (like HMJPSENS01). The first field in const struct DeviceInfo PROGMEM devinfo = { {0x00, 0xa8, 0x01}, // Device ID is used as address in the rf-packets, I see communication like "0FFFF -> 00A801 06 ......" This is the DeviceID (sometimes in bootloader named HMID) that is unique to every single device. And this DeviceID is shown nowhere, only as address inside the cc1101 rf-packets. I made a mistake, forgot to change, and wanted to know where to find used DeviceIDs. I will ask this again in homematic-forum, this is no issue!

Thank You Harvey

jp112sdl commented 6 years ago

It's by design. Don't know, why eq3 has chosen to put the "Battery ok" field to sensors, but not to shutter contacts and other devices.

I won't change the XML files of the HB-UNI-SenAct-4-4 devices. It is a mix (nearly whole content copy) of the SW XML and the RC / SC XML.

When battery goes to the low state, a "Servicemeldung" appears and I think thats sufficient.

Btw.: The HM-WDS30-OT2 uses a dedicated LOWBAT event frame.

If you want to create your own homebrew device, you can choose yourself, what's best.

jp112sdl commented 6 years ago

wanted to know where to find used DeviceIDs

as described in commented before:

bildschirmfoto 2018-08-20 um 17 10 58
harvey637 commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your very fast answer! It is ok with me, I just thougt it is part of the device.xml, that could be "polished" to be like other battery devices. If it not with contacts, it is perfectly ok!

With the addon "HQ-Webgui" you can easy see a lot of info about devices, so I use it and love it. Maybe it is of some use to you to try it. And Thank You for your explanation about /etc/config/rfd/, Just a bit hidden deep below. cu Harvey

jp112sdl commented 6 years ago

Mit dem HomeMatic-Manager kann man auch die Adressen sehen:

harvey637 commented 6 years ago

Oh, ahh, schaue ich mir an - Danke!