jpalardy / vim-slime

A vim plugin to give you some slime. (Emacs)
MIT License
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When edit file on a remote mounted directory , the `SlimeSend` command lag. #338

Closed siuoly closed 2 years ago

siuoly commented 2 years ago

When I use sshfs <remote_ip>:<remote_dir> local_dir -p <port> to mount a remote directory, edit file on the local_dir, and then use SlimeSend command to tmux target , the editor is blocked about 2 second.

If I using vimterminal as target, SlimeSend is not blocked.

I guess that the reason is that vim load remote file context, or the paste file like "$HOME/.slime_paste".

Is there any recommend solution ?

Now I use vimterminal as target and open a tmux session in the vimterminal, but I am looking for a better way.

jpalardy commented 2 years ago

Hi @siuoly

An interesting case I hadn't considered 🤔

It's true that vimterminal doesn't use WritePasteFile, so it wouldn't be subject to this problem. But I'm surprised that $HOME/.slime_paste is considered to be on the remote file context…

Can you confirm that? Do you see a .slime_paste file on the remote directory? (and do you see your latest paste in it?)

siuoly commented 2 years ago

Thanks for response !!

Hmm..., I noticed the pasted file in local directory $HOME/.slime_paste, and actually the latest pasted content in it (local). So this problem is nothing to do with $HOME/.slime_paste.

But I wonder is there any i/o operation on the file? Like :!cat, :!ls ... would cause delay because it access the remote filesystem potentially.

I traced source code (autoload/slime.vim) but got nothing.

jpalardy commented 2 years ago

You could try to inline:

echom strftime("%F %T %s") "some message"

(check echoes in :messages) in the code to get an idea of what code ran when (and which part is taking time)

Let me know what you find 👍

siuoly commented 2 years ago

echom strftime("%F %T %s") "some message" is a Good method!

The following is the log message !

2022-07-18 13:07:10  0 before slime getconfig
2022-07-18 13:07:10  1 after slime getconfig
2022-07-18 13:07:10  2 before slime pieces
2022-07-18 13:07:10  3 after slime pieces
2022-07-18 13:07:10  6 before dispatch
2022-07-18 13:07:10     1 slime dispatch start
2022-07-18 13:07:10      4 slime get target start
2022-07-18 13:07:10      5 slime get target end
[{'target_pane': ':', 'socket_name': 'default'}, '# send trival message^M']
2022-07-18 13:07:10        0 bracketed_pasted start
2022-07-18 13:07:10        1 bracketed_pasted end
2022-07-18 13:07:10        2 if bracketed_paste start
2022-07-18 13:07:10        3 if bracketed_paste end
2022-07-18 13:07:10  .698302        4 writepastefile start
2022-07-18 13:07:10        5 writepastefile end
2022-07-18 13:07:10        6 load buffer start         <--------------------------------------------
TmuxCommand:  {'target_pane': ':', 'socket_name': 'default'} load-buffer /home/siuoly/.slime_paste
TmuxCommand system command: tmux -L 'default' load-buffer /home/siuoly/.slime_paste
2022-07-18 13:07:11        7 load buffer end           <--------------------------------------------
2022-07-18 13:07:11        8 paste-buffer start
2022-07-18 13:07:11            8-4 paste buffer -d-t start    <--------------------------------------
TmuxCommand:  {'target_pane': ':', 'socket_name': 'default'} paste-buffer -d -t ':'
TmuxCommand system command: tmux -L 'default' paste-buffer -d -t ':'
2022-07-18 13:07:12            8-4 paste buffer -d-t end     <---------------------------------------
2022-07-18 13:07:12        8 paste-buffer end
2022-07-18 13:07:12  7 after dispatch
2022-07-18 13:07:12  8 slimesend end

The delay keypoint is this system command

function! s:TmuxCommand(config, args)
   return system("tmux " . l:socket_option . " " . shellescape(l:socket) . " " . a:args)    <----

it actually doing

tmux -L 'default' load-buffer ~/.slime_paste   # load content of file to tmux session buffer
tmux -L 'default' paste-buffer -d -t ':'              # paste tmux itself session buffer 

I found if the two command run on a mount directory it delay but not delay on local directory. I don't know the reason.... , So now I just get out and in the mounted directory before and after the system command.

function! s:TmuxSend(config, text)
  cd   " get out the mounted directory
  call s:WritePasteFile(text_to_paste)   " this behaviour is also blocked a few  on mounted directory.
  call s:TmuxCommand(a:config, "load-buffer " . g:slime_paste_file)
  if bracketed_paste
    call s:TmuxCommand(a:config, "paste-buffer -d -p -t " . shellescape(a:config["target_pane"]))
    if has_crlf
      call s:TmuxCommand(a:config, "send-keys -t " . shellescape(a:config["target_pane"]) . " Enter")
    call s:TmuxCommand(a:config, "paste-buffer -d -t " . shellescape(a:config["target_pane"]))
  cd -  " get in the previous mounted directory

I consider this case is caused by tmux ..., so the it is a temporary solution. I will reponse it to tmux repository. 👍

jpalardy commented 2 years ago

feel free to loop back if it's not fixable on the tmux side 👍