jpalardy / vim-slime

A vim plugin to give you some slime. (Emacs)
MIT License
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Add zellij support #355

Closed albheim closed 1 year ago

albheim commented 1 year ago

Zellij is a terminal multiplexer like tmux or screen, and I (as well as others #329) think it would be great if vim-slime could support it.

I had a quick try at implementing the needed functionality for vim-slime to work by using the reasonably new action subcommand in zellij. I have never really tried vim-script before other than very basic vimrc stuff, so the current implementation is mostly copy pasted from the other implementations in vim-slime glued together with some guessing. It seems to mostly work with regards to the zellij interaction, though I had some weird characters popping up in the vim window when running under WSL that I don't get for tmux, but on my regular linux install it all works fine.

You can set the session name you want to send to, default is current, as well as the relative pane in relation to the currently active pane, default is current, other options are up/down/left/right since those are the keywords available for pane navigation.

I have not yet added anything to the readme or documentation, thought I would first check if this would be acceptable? And if more should be done, get an idea of exactly what is required.

jpalardy commented 1 year ago

Hi @albheim

Thanks for the PR βœ…

It's looking good, a few questions:

albheim commented 1 year ago

I wouldn't mind having a look if you cc.

Added some docs now, do you have a preference where in the order they are added? Currently I just squeezed them in after kitty since that is where I put the implementation.

jpalardy commented 1 year ago

Currently I just squeezed them in after kitty since that is where I put the implementation.

that's fine β€” I'm especially grateful for the documentation patch, I won't be picky about the where πŸ‘

jpalardy commented 1 year ago

Thanks again πŸ˜„