jpalardy / vim-slime

A vim plugin to give you some slime. (Emacs)
MIT License
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Does vim-slime need to be properly shutdown? #359

Closed ea42gh closed 1 year ago

ea42gh commented 1 year ago

Using neovim to connect to screen using vim-slime

it works great when first set up. When I exit neovim and/or screen and/or both, and then try to set up this connection again, the connection fails: screen no longer receives the text sent from neovim

The only remedy I know of so far is to reboot my system?! What would I need to fix?

jpalardy commented 1 year ago

Hi @ea42gh

Let's try a few things:

let's start with this and see where it goes

ea42gh commented 1 year ago

I found that screen was not properly shut down: the last time I tried, I found two sessions. I shut them down, and restarted a single one. It worked!

You might consider adding a sentence in the documentation to that effect!

BTW, I really like what I can do with your software, in particular when combined with the python pywiz panel and holoviews libraries! Thank you!

jpalardy commented 1 year ago

I'm happy that worked out for you 🎉