jpalardy / vim-slime

A vim plugin to give you some slime. (Emacs)
MIT License
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Unexpected behavior when open multi slime session in different filetype. #363

Closed hungpham3112 closed 1 year ago

hungpham3112 commented 1 year ago

I have 3 file in 3 different filetype: julia, python, r. SlimeConfig is used to select new instance of slime each file type. But it seems slime don't allow that.

I think that I miss something in here.

Slime settings:

"                             Plugin: Vim-slime                              "
g:slime_target = "vimterminal"
g:slime_vimterminal_config = {"vertical": 55, "term_finish": "close"}
autocmd FileType javascript g:slime_vimterminal_cmd = "node"
autocmd FileType julia g:slime_vimterminal_cmd = "julia"
autocmd FileType python g:slime_vimterminal_cmd = "python"
autocmd FileType r g:slime_vimterminal_cmd = "r"
jpalardy commented 1 year ago

Hi @hungpham3112

There's a lot going on in that video and I'm not sure I understand where it's going.

I'll say that using g: (global) variables would override each other as you open another buffer. Can you try this with b: (buffer) variables and see if that improves things?

If not, we can iterate and try other things.


hungpham3112 commented 1 year ago

It worked. Now I can run multiple session without conflict. Thanks for your suggestion.