jpalardy / vim-slime

A vim plugin to give you some slime. (Emacs)
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Add relative direction setting for wezterm #392

Closed albheim closed 10 months ago

albheim commented 10 months ago

Noticed that wezterm had the wezterm cli get-pane-direction DIRECTION option, meaning we can automatically get the pane id of a relative pane.

For now just added the option to set a default direction, since that is how I typically use it (i.e. I usually always have vim to the left and a repl to the right). But maybe it would be nice to allow for a relative direction in the prompt also instead of inserting the id in the case of a relative direction in the default setting.

For now I just wanted to push this since I added it locally for me to use.

jpalardy commented 10 months ago

hi @albheim

Thanks for the PR 👍

albheim commented 10 months ago

Updated what you commented on, for me it can be merged.

jpalardy commented 10 months ago

Looking good — @albheim, I might call on you if this code causes problem.

Thanks again