Closed Halloway-93 closed 1 month ago
Hi @Halloway-93
Can you share:
also, you might want to simplify your vim config / plugins to a minimum to see if your problem continues
Hello, This is my nvim configuration and how i set up tmux { "jpalardy/vim-slime", ft = "python", -- Load only for Python files config = function()
vim.g.slime_target = "tmux" -- Example: set the target to tmux
vim.g.slime_python_ipython = 1
vim.g.slime_default_config = {
socket_name = 'default',
target_pane = ':.+1',
-- vim.b.slime_bracketed_paste = 1
this is my mapping to send the code to the second window:
map("n", "
I am using Ipython cell for my python related config : { "hanschen/vim-ipython-cell", ft = "python", -- Load only for Python files config = function() vim.g.ipython_cell_highlight_type = "IPython" -- Example: set the highlight type end, },
Does the (standalone) slime binding work? (ctrl-c, ctrl-c
Are you able to paste into tmux from the command-line? (no vim, no slime, just the commands from the plugin)
Yes it works. I am using it with zellij on my local computer, it works fine, but on the server i have to use tmux. and it is there where i have the problem. I remember that someone found a work around by modifying a line in .local/share/nvim and modified a line in the code but I cannot find that solution anymore.
I found it! sorry to have bothered you with this issue, it was a problem with ipython-cell not slime: here is the issue Thank you for help.
no problem — I'm glad you found a fix 👍
Hello, It seems that i have a problem with vim-slime. I am using it to send python code onto ipython using tmux panes. The only issue i have, is that it seems that pasting is sort of 'lagging' by one cell. Meaning that when the code the current cell is sent, it is the code of the previous copy i.e cell that was previously copied. Does anyone have the same issue? thanks in advance for your answers!