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Identify Questions to Gather (Building/Business/Housing) Permit Information #2

Open jpanganiban opened 10 years ago

jpanganiban commented 10 years ago

Ideally multiple-choice or a yes-no answerable questions.

karloescota commented 10 years ago

Type (dropdown): Residential / Commercial / Industrial

ryanermita commented 10 years ago


  1. What kind of stablishment will be build in the prefered area? -> house? business? building?
  2. Is it near the seashore? -> Yes or No.
  3. Is it near in any plant industry? -> Yes or No.
  4. Is it near or within the mountainside? -> Yes or No.
  5. Is it near the waster disposal area? -> Yes or No.

Just asking what is the suited DB design for this? im planing on saving this in only one table with question(text)and answer(string) attribute..

karloescota commented 10 years ago

TAG -- ANTI-TAG Does it house food or something related? -- Toxic Does it contain flammable products (Gas Stations, Fireworks factory, ...)? -- Flammable Residential -- Toxic Commercial, Does it provide services for people such as Universities, Banks, and the like? -- Toxic Industrial, Does it store/(outputs? running out of english) toxic/waste materials -- Residential

ryanermita commented 10 years ago

all answerable by yes or no?

karloescota commented 10 years ago
