jparkerweb / pixel-banner

šŸš© Plugin for Obsidian that allows you to automatically add beautiful banner images to your notes using the Pexels API.
MIT License
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Not a problem, but an observation #27

Open Leike-Dev opened 4 hours ago

Leike-Dev commented 4 hours ago

First of all, I would like to congratulate you on the great work you have been doing. I would like to help you in N ways - but for now, I am broke šŸ„².

Anyway, I really liked the transition support between the previous plugin, which I mentioned to you before, and yours. I was using the other one because to switch from it to yours I had to go to each note and change the way the banner was placed, but now when I installed yours - explosion sound -, it took the place of the other one without any problems, overlapping them. I turned off the previous one and finally got to see how beautiful it is - here is a preview of how it all looks below.

There is nothing to be fixed here, maybe you can add more image providers, optimize the code, change something in the readme to make it clearer for newbies, you know, little details that we will see after the hard work of writing lines and lines.

I would really like a direct communication channel with you because, well, bug notes on GitHub are not very efficient - suggestions like Telegram or Discord are fine, even if, as you read this, think about the countless community requests you have received; I hope they don't take your arm ~lol.

Thanks in advance for all this, I know it's not easy, but I hope your effort pays off - and I hope to help you at some point šŸ«”.

Note: Maybe an AI-powered banner image generator in the future? Looking forward to tomorrow!

About img: You may not understand, but it is written in pt-br šŸ˜… Captura de tela 2024-10-21 200432

Moyf commented 20 minutes ago

Beautiful Note!