jparkhill / TensorMol

Tensorflow + Molecules = TensorMol
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Basis adaptor and Data Repository #18

Open Dom1L opened 6 years ago

Dom1L commented 6 years ago

What was the reason to choose the 6-311G** basis set in combination with the wB97X-D functional? I would have thought that a basis set augmented with diffuse functions would probably do a better job when dealing with electrostatics or charged molecules in general. Was it just because your initial trainingset didn't contain any charged molecules or was there any other reason for it?

Greetings, Dominik

jparkhill commented 6 years ago

Actually another good reason to use aug is to smooth out BSSE. The reasons we did it this way for 0.1:

I wouldn't call using 6-311g** an "issue" but there are two issues I would raise to this effect:

If you have any data you'd like to share, or need help training on your data, don't hesitate to reach out. It's non-trivial.