jpasqua / VisibleTesla

Java App to monitor and Control the Tesla Model S
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Add stats about vampire loss #68

Closed jpasqua closed 10 years ago

jpasqua commented 10 years ago

Request from tmc users @Whom and @DJ Frustration

After the original request I said: "I can do something to make this easier; either an excel macro or a feature in VT. Can you characterize what you want measured exactly? Sounds like you want the drop in rated range of a stationary vehicle from the time it stops until the next time the car is moving. If the car is charged, start measuring after the charge completes. Do you want this just overnight or any time the car is stationary for more than a certain period (say an hour)?"

Whom replied: "Sounds perfect: every time the car is stationary for more than an hour, find the drop in rated range from stopping/charge complete to next time it moves or starts charging. Then divide by the stationary period and report the overall number (average rated miles lost per hour).

Might be also useful to know if the car correctly fell asleep during these periods."

jpasqua commented 10 years ago

Plan for v1 of this feature is to add a menu item "Vampire Stats...". It will pop up a CalendarPicker that allows the user to select the date or date range they are interested in. It will then compute the vampire loss stats and display them in some form.

jpasqua commented 10 years ago

Released in 0.26.01. There will probably be future enhancements to this, but this satisfies the initial request.