jpata / tthbb13

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new projection code for MELooper: #83

Closed jpata closed 8 years ago

jpata commented 8 years ago

the code is needlessly complicated. I've a new candidate for creating the sparse histograms used for downstream limit setting & systematic data/MC comparisons in

It replaces the and can be extended to produce additional non-sparse histograms. It still needs to be extended for JER systematics and re-weighting systs.

jpata commented 8 years ago

This code could already be tested on

jpata commented 8 years ago

the new sparsinator no longer auto-splits the joint tt+other samples and no longer uses the short process names (ttH_hbb). Instead, it creates directory structures like

sample/sl/sparse{_syst}, where sample is the full name of a sample such as TT_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-powheg-pythia8. This is so that histograms from different tt+jets samples could easily be merged.

The sample can be split based on that name and the process axis of the sparse histo.

jpata commented 8 years ago is working again.