jpatokal / mediawiki-gateway

Ruby framework for MediaWiki API manipulation
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Allow marking of single edits as bot edits #53

Closed kerriamber closed 10 years ago

kerriamber commented 10 years ago

This lets you do things like:

    require 'media_wiki'
    api = ''
    api.login 'Bot account', 'password'
    api.edit('Sandbox', 'This is a bot edit', {:bot => true, :summary => 'bot edit'})
    api.edit('Sandbox', 'This is not a bot edit', {:summary => 'not bot edit'})

To do this otherwise, you'd need to keep two separate instances of MediaWiki::Gateway around for edits and non-bot edits respectively. This is impractical and annoying, especially when you are writing a bot which needs to leave notifications on user's talk pages (and want these edits to appear in RecentChanges).

jpatokal commented 10 years ago

Great, thanks!