jpatokal / mediawiki-gateway

Ruby framework for MediaWiki API manipulation
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Support for additional options on #render #6

Closed carpodaster closed 14 years ago

carpodaster commented 14 years ago

Hey Jani, great work on the gem so far, exactly what I needed ;) I took the liberty to add a 2nd parameter to Gateway#render in order to add additional 'strippers' to the returned text-node from the api.

Another minor change: apparently Rails 3 no longer defines Hash#to_xml in ActiveSupport. Instead there is ActiveModel::Serializers::Xml which adds to_xml. I added that to the gateway_spec.rb (commenting out lines 4-5 in that file should revert to the old Rails 2.3.x behaviour).

I'm starting to use mediawiki-gateway on our production systems soon and I am sure there will be one or another additional option, most likely one to strip the 'edit'-links.

Greetings from Germany Carsten

jpatokal commented 14 years ago

Thanks! I've merged in your changes, and tweaked gateway_spec so that it autodetects which version of Rails you have and includes the correct file accordingly. Still on Rails 2.3.x myself...

Cheers from Down Under, -jani