jpcima / ADLplug

FM Chip Synthesizer — OPL & OPN — VST/LV2/Standalone
Boost Software License 1.0
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Problem of state saving and loading #26

Closed jpcima closed 5 years ago

jpcima commented 5 years ago

Vladimir Kuznetsov: > Запускаешь савикоком... далее , сохраняешь состояние в default... закрываешь савик и запускаешь его снова. Теперь включаешь игратсья что либо через этот савик и при этом в процессе игры меняешь банк на gs-by-papiezak-and-sneakernets.wopn и потом на xg.wopn , посоле этого пробуешь открыть сохранённый default.wopn

Launch by Savi, then, save current state into "default"... Close Savi and start it again. Now, start playing anything this SAVI, and then, doing a bank change into "gs-by...." on the fly. Then into "xg.wopn", and after, trying to restore "default.wopn". And you'll hear what will happen with the sound.

Vladimir Kuznetsov: > Если ты откроешь савиком Opnmidi.fxb вместо default.wopn то всё восстановится как надо

However, when you'll open by SAVI the "Opnmidi.fxb" instead of "default.wopn", everything will be restored as needed.

jpcima commented 5 years ago

The version of OPNMIDI attached (of the Alpha.3 series) produces a default.wopn file as saved on startup. In comparison is pictured the current developer version, which does not suffer a problem of empty fields.

Please try on a current developer version, remove the state file of SAVI host on order to start clean, and let me know about the problem resolution after doing this.

capture du 2018-09-20 14-10-27

notify @Wohlstand

Wohlstand commented 5 years ago

One note: instead of "Vitaly Novichkov", put the "Vladimir Kuznetsov" as he is an actual reporter and it's his quote.

jpcima commented 5 years ago

Yeah I pasted this ultra quick as I was mega tired and it was so I can keep a record here.

jpcima commented 5 years ago

This was resolved quite some time ago.