jpcima / stone-phaser

A classic analog phaser effect, made with DPF and Faust
Boost Software License 1.0
40 stars 4 forks source link

StonePhaser : your faust code as WebAudio Plugin here ! #3

Open micbuffa opened 4 years ago

micbuffa commented 4 years ago

Hi congrats for your plugins, I recently compiled and adapted the faust code of stone phaser to run it as a WebAudio Plugin. Check this: And you can try it online even with a guitar, in our virtual pedalboard app: the plugin is located for the moment in the faustIDE tab at the bottom. Check this video that explains how to use this webapp with a guitar:

Also, i'm french and I'd like to get in touch with you for exchanging about audio plugins etc. I'm a professor and researcher at the University of Nice, and I work with people at IRCAM and GRAME, in particular with FAUST authors...


jpcima commented 4 years ago

Hi professor, I've checked out Wasabi project, this demos are rocking, thank you for sharing! It is pleasing to hear of your interest, and also that you have a hand in Faust software and its application.

I have myself a developed interest into the Faust compiler.

Also, i'm french and I'd like to get in touch with you for exchanging about audio plugins etc.

I'm open to discussion in French language, it's possible to do here or private conversation if you so prefer. You can mail me on the contact address on my home page, it needs JS to view it as precaution against spam mail.