jpcsupplies / Economy_mod

Basic Economy System for Space Engineers
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ENH suggestion - reactive price scaling can be enabled per product #180

Open jpcsupplies opened 5 years ago

jpcsupplies commented 5 years ago

Silverbane in Steam made a feature suggestion/request -

The possibility of adding an extra product flag to enable or disable price scaling on a per product basis.

Looking over my original logic - it does seem possible. If there was an extra flag say something like " || !marketItem.scale ..." (true/false) which we checked for in our "if (UseBankSellPrice) ..." under messagebuy.cs messagesell.cs and the display prices on LCD code. Theoretically it should be fairly simple to add.

We could maintain database integrity by assuming a null value is false.

Then all we need to do is tweak our database code to not choke if there is an extra boolean value and add a config option to flip the option true/false if set?

What are your thoughts @midspace ?