jpcsupplies / Economy_mod

Basic Economy System for Space Engineers
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REQUEST ENH - scrap command - parts to market - partial payment to seller #181

Open jpcsupplies opened 5 years ago

jpcsupplies commented 5 years ago

PhoenixTheSage has requested a "scrap" type command that works in essence like the worth command - except it also removes the ship from the game world, places its components in the current market; and pays the seller a partial value of the amount the worth command calculated the value as.

Example, sell a ship which values at $10,000 credits. The components are added the the current market and the player is paid $1500 (15% or whatever setting is configured for scrapping)

For player markets the ability to scrap should probably be limited to the market owner by default - in which case they would not be paid. Although i suppose a player could configure their market to allow public/faction scrapping for Role Playing Purposes - although that could prove costly!

Ideally however it would be limited to NPC markets, and grids fully owned by the seller. Security concerns aside... (we need to minimise the chance of accidental sales, or selling of other players/admin ships/stations - perhaps only allow SHIPS to be sold not stations) is a good idea from a garbage cleanup perspective as players may opt to scrap junk for the money/market restocking instead of letting it float around lagging up the server.

Suggestion comments as follows: PhoenixTheSage 3 Aug @ 3:35pm Any way we can have it so players can sell their vessels to the server's designated bank for a stock-rated below-market value? Less value than all the components it's made up from individually (maybe by a configurable percentage?). This would be great for salvage economy and clearing grids from the server at the same time. It would be a good equity transfer for starting players too.

Captain X (PhoenixX) [author] 3 Aug @ 6:12pm You are talking in a salvage context yes? Like a "scrap" command that just values the ship and pays the scrapper like 15% of the value or similar and deletes the grid?

It could be done but security would be an issue as would accidental sales -

Ie Security: a troll player sells the starter station to itself and deletes it by adding a bunch of control panel blocks to distort the owned % (can happen although safe zone does make this more difficult), or points at someone elses ship and scraps it or the wrong grid gets sold off and a player loses their capital ship accidentally..

PhoenixTheSage 3 Aug @ 7:11pm Yeah, basically a "scrap," that or the proceeds go to the bank...and yeah, we have public trading areas protected by safe zones on our server.

You'd basically have to make sure the ship is majority owned by the player attempting the sale and always have the sale zone/grid protected from block placement. To prevent accidental sales, you can have double-confirmation with a dialogue prompt or requiring a special tag put into the name as a confirmation "password."