jpcsupplies / Economy_mod

Basic Economy System for Space Engineers
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Server side Data saving #185

Open namenmalkav opened 5 years ago

namenmalkav commented 5 years ago

I'm making a heavy moded and economy driven server and I'm having issues while editing the xml of the market i have more than 15 markets and more than 50 moded items that i need to have at different prices in different markets for making trade routes.

May be a sqlite db or one xml for each market. Also have the option to disable the sell or buy of an specific item.

midspace commented 5 years ago

SQLite is not whitelisted under ModAPI, and thus unusable by us. Creating multiple XML files makes it both harder for us and admins to manage. We would need files to keep track of files.

It might be more reasonable to create a stand alone application to allow easier editing of all settings in a spread sheet like format.

namenmalkav commented 5 years ago

it will be epic a external app to edit the markets

namenmalkav commented 5 years ago

an external app will be i hope

jpcsupplies commented 5 years ago

If you use an XML editor utility @namenmalkav it should be pretty easy to edit. Either that or as midspace suggested make a utility that parses the xml file in some sort of user interface (not sure if @midspace was suggesting we make one or that you try get one made) which would certainly be a handy tool for micromanaging prices. i think perl, c#, php and visual basic are all capable of working with xml. It does sound like an interesting little project..

midspace commented 5 years ago

The special part is linking between the SE's type and subtype ids, and providing appropriate descriptions.

It'll be easier for us to put together an app. I'll throw something together. Most of the integration code will come from SEToolbox anyhow. I'm not planing to make anything fancy, and @jpcsupplies you might want to have a play around with the UI once I push it into github.