jpd002 / Play-

Play! - PlayStation2 Emulator
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iOS version doesn't launch #1135

Closed 3m4r5 closed 2 years ago

3m4r5 commented 2 years ago

it just shows a blank screen tried installing it from the repo and the ipa file on iPhone 8 Plus iOS 14.3 (jailbroken with checkra1n)

jpd002 commented 2 years ago

Hey! Which game are you testing?

3m4r5 commented 2 years ago

I meant the emulator itself, the app simply shows a blank screen.

I thought either I'm doing something wrong or it only supports A12+ but the community is so small I couldn't find information online, sorry to bother you.

3m4r5 commented 2 years ago

It doesn't crash it just shows a black screen, can't send you crash reports.

jpd002 commented 2 years ago

Oh, gotcha. Can you try starting it while internet connection is disabled? The emulator scans games and fetches boxart at the start, so, it might have an issue downloading them for some reason.

3m4r5 commented 2 years ago

I uninstalled play!, reinstalled it, enabled airplane mode and launched it but unfortunately it shows the same black screen, sorry if I wasted your time.

3m4r5 commented 2 years ago

I tried a firewall to monitor networking activity but it doesn't request access to anything.

I also tried it in safe mode but with no luck.

it appears to me that the app doesn't launch at all.

3m4r5 commented 2 years ago

using a jailbreak tweak that allows me to put apps in windows, it doesn't show black screen it just shows the gray background which made me come to the conclusion that it's just a blank screen image

jpd002 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the info. I've made a temp branch that disables game scanning all together just to see if it's causing issues:

Could you try that build please?


3m4r5 commented 2 years ago

@jpd002 thank you so much for your work, I tried the deb package and the ipa file and they both launched successfully!

jpd002 commented 2 years ago

Good! I guess you don't have any games on your list though, right?

3m4r5 commented 2 years ago

yeah, just to be sure I added a game to the correct location and it didn't show up.

darkpigeon commented 2 years ago

yeah, just to be sure I added a game to this (supposedly correct location) and it doesn't show up in Play!.

The game must be inside that "Play Data Folder".

3m4r5 commented 2 years ago

@darkpigeon thanks for the info, I just put it there and it didn't show up👍

jpd002 commented 2 years ago

Yeah, that's to be expected since all scanning has been removed.

I re-enabled local scanning in this build:

Can you tell if what result you get with that one?


3m4r5 commented 2 years ago

@jpd002 thank you for actively working on this issue and sorry for the late reply.

the app opens when I install the it and tap on it, when I add an iso file, kill the app and relaunch it the app shows a black screen and request access to but when I relaunch it again it launches with the game listed and it works!🎊

thank you so much!

3m4r5 commented 2 years ago

loading screens run at 60+ fps, the sound works, the bluetooth controller works, the wide screen option works, saving & loading states works, both opengl & vulkan work. what should I also test?

jpd002 commented 2 years ago

Very cool :) Glad it's working.

I'm working on giving better feedback to users on what's happening during the scan process. Could you test this new build to see if anything strange comes up?

This build has all scanning stuff enabled, but it displays the steps that are being executed instead of just doing the steps synchronously at app load.


3m4r5 commented 2 years ago

sorry for the late reply, I just saw yours & tested the last build.

after installing it (before the first launch), there's no "Play!" folder in the files app, and this happens at the first launch.

After the first launch the Folder "Play!" show up, I copied "hermes.iso" (one file) to the "Play Data Files" folder and this happens when I relaunch it.

I personally suggest adding "local scanning only" option, and an option to only scan at app launch.

thank you so much for your work!

3m4r5 commented 2 years ago

@jpd002 here's a first launch with the firewall enabled:

jpd002 commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much for the videos! Gives me a very good idea of what's going on :) I can see that I screwed some things up in my test code, like the result of scanning not being displayed after it's done and scanning happening again when you leave the settings screen (and probably after you come back from playing a game). I'm going to fix these issues.

On Android, it only does a full scan of the device the first time you launch the app. After that, it only scans the folders that are known to contain game files, so, it's much quicker. Something similar could be implemented on iOS. Another idea would be to have a prompt to ask if you'd like to scan all your filesystem for games the first time you launch the emu.

jpd002 commented 2 years ago

This version should be a bit better:

Gonna check to implement the full scan that happens only the first time the app is launched next. I'm going to do something very similar to the Android version and I'm going to add an option in settings to force scan the whole FS again if needed.

3m4r5 commented 2 years ago

yeah, this build scans the whole file system on every launch video

jpd002 commented 2 years ago

Hello! This new build should only scan the whole filesystem at first launch or if there were no game found:

There's also a new button in the settings menu to force a rescan of the device if needed.

3m4r5 commented 2 years ago

that's great, the button works! First Launch also the Second launch is much better (although I faced a bug once)

jpd002 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for testing! I guess it's still not perfect, but at least, it's way better than before. I can look at the other issues later. I'm gonna merge the current state of the branch in main once the pipeline succeed!

jpd002 commented 2 years ago

Branch was merged. Closing this.

3m4r5 commented 2 years ago

for sure it's miles better, thank you so much!