jpd002 / Play-

Play! - PlayStation2 Emulator
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[support request] SDL2 input and RAW Multi-Mouse for ligthgun. #1284

Open Aynshe opened 9 months ago

Aynshe commented 9 months ago


Do you have a todo list for add SDL with ID number for the controller in inputProfils and RAW support for multi-mouse ligthgun ?

I suspect this isn't an m priority, but I'm asking this in case it's expected as part of Play's evolution.


jpd002 commented 9 months ago

I don't have plans to work on this at the moment and I don't have the proper setup to implement this, but I wouldn't mind seeing this in the emulator.

Aynshe commented 9 months ago

Good morning,

I understand that this is not a priority.

SDL would be a plus for integration in the EmulationStation frontend to be able to manipulate the controller index.

And the RAW would allow to use two lightgun with PS2 railshooter and Namco System 2x6.