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NM00046 Taiko Drum Master 11 - Asian Edition #1397

Open andymage593 opened 3 weeks ago

andymage593 commented 3 weeks ago

NM00046 Taiko Drum Master 11 - Asian Edition The dongle has been changed for compatibility, the host runs smoothly, but the simulator fails

StellaJiangCn commented 2 weeks ago

亚洲版在启动的时候,会检测256基板上的EEPROM(也就是br2040),如果EEPROM内没有321fc7da这段数据,在过完最开始的BOOT 0*后,就会提示SYSTEM ERROR,这就是简介说的先前无法正常启动的原因 日版也有反过来的情况,如果检测到前面说的数据,也会SYSTEM ERROR(这就是以前亚洲版框体要换新套件升级必须要换整个基板的原因)

StellaJiangCn commented 2 weeks ago

andymage593 commented 1 week ago

I hope the emulator can switch regions, or select regions in the .arcadedefs configuration file (Asia, Japanese version, export region)

andymage593 commented 1 week ago

I have it working fine