jpd002 / Play-

Play! - PlayStation2 Emulator
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Which games Play actually capable of running? #27

Closed pinguallyj closed 6 years ago

pinguallyj commented 9 years ago

I have seen screenshots of FFX and Atelier Iris, what else?

jpd002 commented 9 years ago

I don't have an exhaustive compatibility list, but here's some of the games I'm personally testing:

Capcom vs SNK 2, Marvel vs Capcom 2, Gradius V, Castlevania: Curse of Darkness, Dynasty Warriors 2 and 5, Samurai Warriors 2, Final Fantasy X, Half Life, Grandia 2, Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance, Dark Cloud, Space Harrier, Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus, DBZ Infinite World

All of those games boot, most of them are playable to some extent and only a few of them are 100% playable. I'm actively working on getting the compatibility higher, so I really hope that list will get bigger very soon.

pinguallyj commented 9 years ago

@jpd002 Thank you for answer, I will test some of the games and report if there are even more playable games!

SonofUgly commented 9 years ago

@jpd002, would you like lists of games tested from people (or individual issue reports)? I've tested a few popular games, and with a lot of them not booting, I'm wondering if that would be helpful for you or if it would be redundant/overwhelming.

ghost commented 9 years ago

@SonofUgly Like which? I tested a few fan favorites and popular titles and they could go to title screen at least. Most of the "high tier" PS2 games can't work on this emulator at all yet, but a fairly good amount of well known games do show something at the very least. I haven't tried FFXII/FFX-2 but FFX does work pretty well, and I think Metal Gear Solid 2 almost shows something from a 2014 Windows build I tested with, but not sure now.

SonofUgly commented 9 years ago

Guess I'll just post what I've tried. On Windows 7, with AMD Phenom II X2 550be @ 3.6GHz and ATI 4850HD. These are tested with the 2015/3/21 build on emucr: Dark Cloud [SCUS-97111] - In-game

Dark Cloud 2 [SCUS-97213] - Intro

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King [SLUS-21207] - Nothing

Final Fantasy X [SLUS-20312] - Menu

Final Fantasy XII [SLUS-20963] - Nothing

ICO [SCES-50760] - Nothing

Jak and Daxter [SCUS-97124] - Nothing

Kingdom Hearts Final Mix [SLPS-25198] - Nothing

Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix [SLPM-66675] - Menu

King's Field IV: Ancient City [SLUS-20318] - Intro

Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence [SLUS-21359] - Nothing

Monster Hunter 2 [SLPM-66280] - Nothing

Okami [SLUS-21115] - Nothing

Ratchet and Clank [SCUS-97199] - Nothing

Ratchet and Clank 2: Going Commando [SCUS-97268] - Nothing

Ratchet and Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal [SCUS-97353] - Nothing

Shadow of the Colossus [SCUS-97472] - Nothing

Shadow Tower: Abyss [SLPS-25217] - Nothing

Shinobi [SLPS-25026] - Nothing

Twisted Metal: Black [PBPX-95506] - Nothing

ghost commented 9 years ago

Why would the build from yesterday not take FFX in-game, when the 2011 build on can even show something after pressing new game (though it won't really take you completely in-game though)? And I am pretty sure that even in builds much older than March 2015, you could get in-game too.

That sounds like there's been regression that hasn't been tested to be stable.

jpd002 commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the report, @SonofUgly !

I'm also surprised about FFX crashing when selecting "New Game". I have just tested it on the latest build I've got and it seems to be working fine. I will try testing with different conditions to see if I can reproduce the problem.

Besides that, I know I can get a new game started in KH, but I can't go really far at the moment.

kh_01 kh_02

The emulator crashes right after this. This ain't the Final Mix version, so I will have to see why it's not working with that version.

I haven't tested most of the other games, so I will have to get them to see what's wrong with them.

pinguallyj commented 9 years ago

I tried simple 2d Arcana Heart 2 game and it's 4-10 fps when it asks about memory card, but after logos it's just black screen with 30 fps. After 1-2 minute it's going in main menu 5-15 fps, animations looks nice and everything is present. Sprites are animated fully too, so no problems with 2d I guess. Game is stuck on last screen, I'm pressing everything but nothing works, even though game is still running. The only problem I noticed that there are no sound at all and screen is shaking slowly, don't know why. I don't have powerful PC maybe it will be 60 fps if someone will test it on nice pc

SonofUgly commented 9 years ago

@jpd002 - Turns out the problem with FFX is only on the 32bit version (it also crashes if you don't skip the intro scene before the main menu). It works fine on the 64bit version. Retested a few of the games, but aside from the framerate (which is ~15-20% faster) there wasn't any other differences.

Though I guess it brings up a question, is there any reason to support 32bit nowadays?

ghost commented 9 years ago

@SonofUgly Hmmm ... that's not exactly true. I have the 32-bit version and the FFX intro works but it's EXTREMELY SLOW. It is from a 2013 build and the 32-bit both goes in-game and the intro scene works just fine. I'll post a video/pics and show it as well when I get the chance.

SonofUgly commented 9 years ago

@Xiaomita - Yeah older 32bit versions work, but recent ones don't.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Tried a 32-bit 2015 build and it works fine too (not the one you linked, but one a few months before it):

ffxplay -ingame1 ffxplay -ingame2 ffxplay -title

The intro works too, but I forgot to take a screenshot of it. Maybe the 32-bit JIT has issues in some versions? I don't know ... started a new game several hours ago and everything seems fine so far.

Or like @mantlebreath said, maybe it's regression.

jpd002 commented 9 years ago

@716Girl Thanks for testing the game! The frame rate is a bit scary though... that game might need some specific speed hacks. I don't have the game, but I'll see what I can do.

@SonofUgly Thanks for the additional details on the crash. I've reproduced it on my side and there's indeed a problem with the x86-32 code generator, but nothing major, I'll have that fixed pretty soon.

As for the reasons to why I'm keeping 32-bits builds, it's mostly because I still want the emulator to be compatible with Windows XP (I know there's a 64-bits WinXP, but it was not as popular as the 32-bits version).

ghost commented 9 years ago

@jpd002 The emu is not compatible with XP though; from all the builds I have tried on XP, none will start. Vista and 7 work, but no XP. I think only the 2011 builds on your site work with XP.

pinguallyj commented 9 years ago

@jpd002 Okay! Btw is there any debugger or something?

jpd002 commented 9 years ago

@716Girl Yes, there's a debugger, but it's not included in release builds because I want to make sure there no overhead of having a debugger in the build. Would release builds with debugger included be something you'd like to have?

Boulotaur2024 commented 9 years ago

I can confirm the issue with 32bits builds, I just downloaded the x64 build and now FFX works properly.

This is the first I've run something on this emu and I have to say I'm quite impressed by your progress Jean. I'm glad somebody's taking another shot at ps2 emulation as pcsx2 development seems stuck essentially due to Gsdx being unreadable/unmaintanable

Hope you don't quit and some knowledgeable people join the project. Who knows there might be former pcsx2 coders willing to start from scratch.

ghost commented 9 years ago

@Xiaomita Is that with a fresh new game start or loading a memory card save in the Al Bhed Ship?

Because with 32-bit I can't start a new game in FFX either, trying multiple recent builds; 64-bit yes.

jpd002 commented 9 years ago

The problem with the 32-bits version should be fixed in the latest weekly build (2015-03-29).

It's not possible to start a new game from scratch in FFX right now because of problem with SPU emulation. SPU emulation wasn't enabled in the 2011 build and that's why it works in that version. I've identified the problem and I'm working on fix.

It's possible to import saves to see more of the game, but battles are a bit unstable at the moment (I'm also working on that).

DerekTurtleRoe commented 9 years ago

Why don't we throw up a compatibility list on to a GitHub Wiki? I would be interested in contributing to that. :smiley:

ghost commented 9 years ago

@vgturtle127 I created one and I hope it's not too bad, but anyone can easily correct/add games and test them, and it will keep a formalized list and keep track of the progress of Play!'s compatibility:

Feedback would be nice, and I can understand if @jpd002 doesn't like it/doesn't want it. I am just trying to help.

I tested all of those games listed between various builds, all recent, and used the latest build for some too.

Since I only have Windows, the list is only pertaining to Windows compatibility, but it can be arranged for Mac and Android too if necessary, but I don't have OS X and Android only does homebrew....

DerekTurtleRoe commented 9 years ago

Cool dude! I think that looks good so far. I will start recording my results. :smile:

"Android only does homebrew" What? lol

I don't know what you mean by that?

ghost commented 9 years ago

@vgturtle127 I meant that the Android port of this emulator can run only homebrew so a compatibility list might be no good yet. Mac has a working build as Windows that may or may not run commercial games, so I wondered if the list should cater to OS X too and not just be too "Windows-centric," you know?

And yeah, I made up a simple format with 5 possibilities that goes basically from "somewhat playable" to "nothing," but it can be better refined to include "fully playable," but that would be harder/longer to test.

jpd002 commented 9 years ago

@Xiaomita Nice work! Would you mind if I added columns for "emulator version" (ie.: 2015-03-29) and "game id" (ie.: SLUS 20312)?

I don't think compatibility on OSX differs too much from Windows since most of the code running is the same. So, I don't think it would be worthwhile making a separate section for OSX. But once the Android port gets to an interesting point, I think making a separate part for that platform will be interesting.

DerekTurtleRoe commented 9 years ago

@Xiaomita Oh, I see what you're saying now. I thought you were talking about Android, not the emulator. Oops. :confounded:

@jpd002 Hopefully compatibility will be the same for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Are there any plans for DirectX support on Windows though?

pinguallyj commented 9 years ago

@jpd002 When you dont have copy of the game, we can see what;s the problem in debugger and send it to you.

ghost commented 9 years ago

@jpd002 Sure, but I think @716Girl already did something like that from my checking (and added more games too). I'm probably going to get a Hackintosh going soon & test games on varying OS X versions.

seadil commented 9 years ago

I have a MacBook Pro without a dedicated GPU (see specs here: ) I'll test these games on OSX (Yosemite):

I'll update this comment in a couple of hours.

seadil commented 9 years ago

Is there a way to display some information on the OSX build like current FPS rate? Debugger/Console? How about controller configuration (Arrow Keys and A seem to do something)?

DerekTurtleRoe commented 9 years ago

Not unless there are command line parameters I am not aware of. At least on OSX...

seadil commented 9 years ago

disgaea001 disgaea002 disgaea003 disgaea004

pinguallyj commented 9 years ago

Btw what does dc/f stands for?

fuel-pcbox commented 9 years ago

Draw Calls per Frame.

DerekTurtleRoe commented 9 years ago

Ratchet and Clank aren't booting? That makes me sad. :sob:

jpd002 commented 9 years ago

Thanks for testing everyone! It's always nice to see new games running! Tomorrow's version will have fixes for FFX, which allows going a bit further in the intro sequence (and gaining access to the game's first area by using some saved state trickery). There will be fixes for battle mode too which should make the game playable to some extent.

I'm also working on some fixes for FFXII, but it's still not really playable yet. ffxii_01 ffxii_02 ffxii_03 ffxii_04 Characters don't show up and game hangs a bit later.

pinguallyj commented 9 years ago

@jpd002 Amazing work!

jpd002 commented 9 years ago

I've pushed some fixes to prevent KH from crashing, but it's not quite playable yet either (Sora can't hit anything). This is testable in the latest weekly build (2015-04-05).

kh_03 kh_04 kh_05

DerekTurtleRoe commented 9 years ago

Awesome work, dude! Great stuff! :smile:

ghost commented 9 years ago

Has the issue been identified as to why Sora/Goofy's upper bodies don't show up? I've seen this in a few games and I notice that some 3-D models (like in Dark Cloud) are missing parts of their bodies. I wonder what the issue is that could explain why this happens in several games and if it's related to the GS or not.

jpd002 commented 9 years ago

In KH, the problem seems to be coming from FPU rounding issues. Here's what it looks like with proper rounding enabled:

kh_06 kh_07

It fixes a couple of other games and also fixes torus.elf, but Dark Cloud and FFXII are still broken. I haven't pushed that yet because it breaks other stuff that I need to fix (namely Radiata Stories and Valkyrie Profile 2).

Dark Cloud's problems are coming from bad handling of Q register pipeline in VU emulation. I don't know for FFXII, but it could be related to that.

seadil commented 9 years ago

@jpd002 Thank you for your FFX fix. I tried the latest OSX build (Play-20150419) and it runs further the scene I've mentioned here: The problem is that it stops working after a specific scene (the screen should flash white but instead it stays white). I've found the scene on youtube:

jpd002 commented 9 years ago

@seadil Yes, there's a problem with the SPU emulation that prevents the game from proceeding. It can be worked around by pausing the game, saving state, resetting and loading the state. Many games are suffering from this, so, I'll look into the problem.

Kingdom Hearts should be playable in the latest build (2015/04/26). FFXII's rendering is also fixed, but it's too unstable to be played (I'm suspecting a problem with SPU emulation again).


DerekTurtleRoe commented 9 years ago

@jpd002 That looks really good for being "alpha". :smile:

breadcat commented 9 years ago

I've updated the wiki page with some 80+ additional entries.

Nothing got to a point where I was fully ingame, but promising entries are: Pilot Down, Red Faction 1 and 2, Spy Hunter and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3.

ghost commented 9 years ago

@breadcat Don't mean to criticize you but you didn't seem to follow the correct format and you put notes where you should have put one of the five possible working definitions of games.

It can be cleaned up fairly easily though, but just saying that sticking to the same format is less messy prone.

EDIT: Done. Fixed. You forgot to bold, add hyphens, and added a note on one with no status.

Good job testing; that's a lot of games I went through! About 1/3, I'd guess, at least show intro.

Did you try the latest weekly build or one from emu crimson rain?

jpd002 commented 9 years ago

@breadcat Thanks for testing all those games!

There still so much work to be done to get all of those games working :smile:

breadcat commented 9 years ago

@gambrio Thanks for making the formatting changes. I have an aversion to excess bold, but I know for next time. The binary I used was EmuCR-Play!-20150501-x64.

@jpd002 Thanks. If you make any drastic changes, I have no qualms testing them all again.

Xcedf commented 9 years ago

vf4 Virtua Fighter 4 goes ingame(but arenas suffering from SPS) also God of War 1 shows the first intro screen and Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance shows first intro screen too Thanks for your hard work

DerekTurtleRoe commented 9 years ago

Well, as soon as I get my SSD and upgrade my OS, I will start testing as well. I am also going to upgrade to Visual Studio 2015/Visual Studio Code and get a Linux machine running as well. Hopefully after that I can start testing my near complete collection of PS2 games. :fearful:

ghost commented 9 years ago

@vgturtle127 Report back the results. I am curious if Play! works fine on Windows 8.1 because I have 7 and I know it works but not sure if I should upgrade to 8.1 or not if I'll then have to revert back to keep testing games.