jpd002 / Play-

Play! - PlayStation2 Emulator
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Updated logos, icons, and banner to match blue theme colors. #285

Closed LinkofHyrule89 closed 8 years ago

LinkofHyrule89 commented 8 years ago

Updated resources to match the blue theme colors, updated logos, added updated banner although it would be better if the old version was updated with the new colors. Put logo and section title in header. The section title should be programmatically updated based on which section you're currently in (Unsorted, favorites, homebrew, recents, whatever). There should not be a section header shown in the navigation drawer so it's set to null so it doesn't continue to show the section header. Because I don't have a xxxhdpi device to test on I may need to go back and make that logo bigger. I also added in the optional dark purple theme that will be selectable once the theme settings are added in.

jpd002 commented 8 years ago

Thanks, this is still pending approval as I still haven't made up my mind on all this. I'll give it a try to see how it looks.

AbandonedCart commented 8 years ago

Looks like there is an issue with the ! logos. It's almost like you have part of a box going around the left and top sides.

That Android TV logo looks bland. It might be that it's just text, but the way the ! is pushed up against the side just gives me the impression it was thrown together instead of designed. (The ones in the app have the extra space between the logo and the title, so it isn't noticeable there.)

LinkofHyrule89 commented 8 years ago

@LoungeKatt That's why I said it would be better if you made a new banner in the OP :P

As far as the box on the logos I'll have to look into that all I did was put text with a transparent background so nothing else should be there. They are fairly easy to resize and what not so if that's needed I can go back and do that I already did for the tablet sized one when I originally made them. If you meant the icons those are the exact same svg file except with the new colors and then I used gimp to export them to the properly sized PNG files.

AbandonedCart commented 8 years ago
screen shot 2015-08-07 at 3 48 48 am
LinkofHyrule89 commented 8 years ago

Yeah I don't really understand why it looks like that. I think the original has that problem too but it's more noticeable because it's darker. I don't really know much about SVG is there an easy way to fix that do you think?

AbandonedCart commented 8 years ago

Looks like it's one of those "everyone come up with a solution for the pile" issues.

LinkofHyrule89 commented 8 years ago

Ok I'll have to look at that more when I have time I'll be driving 26 hours to Utah this week but might get some time to do it.

LinkofHyrule89 commented 8 years ago

Fixed it manually. Good enough? ic_launcher

AbandonedCart commented 8 years ago

That would work for now. I'm trying to see what's up with the svg. Illustrator doesn't like it.

LinkofHyrule89 commented 8 years ago

Yeah @jpd002 made it so idk how he did it. I'll do the rest tomorrow and put them in the PR I basically just mirrored it and blurred and smudged the top line a bit.

SVG colors: rgb(25, 118, 210) rgb(33, 150, 243)

AbandonedCart commented 8 years ago

icon icon-new

AbandonedCart commented 8 years ago

The font was converted to an outline, so that should fix the issue of exporting it without getting the extra background noise. The shadow is a little light, but I can darken that, if necessary.

Just in case, here is a PSD of the banner I originally submitted, too. Each of the letters and the ! are individual items with effects applied. They could easily be moved around or the effects changed.

LinkofHyrule89 commented 8 years ago

OK awesome thanks I'll commit it when I get the chance.

AbandonedCart commented 8 years ago

No problem. Let me know if it gives you any trouble. I had a few options for exporting in SVG so I went with whatever sounded most compatible.

LinkofHyrule89 commented 8 years ago

@LoungeKatt I updated the icons take a look at the new commit and tell me if it looks good to you. I'll make a new banner tonight.

LinkofHyrule89 commented 8 years ago

Ugh apparently the one icon some how isn't the right size I'll fix that tonight as well. Edit: the outside border isn't as thick so I'll probably adjust that as well.

AbandonedCart commented 8 years ago

@LinkofHyrule89 Clean as it could ever be. Looks good.

LinkofHyrule89 commented 8 years ago

@LoungeKatt can you fix the icon border to be the same thickness as the original?

AbandonedCart commented 8 years ago

It's sort of a guessing game because that is one of the parts that didn't translate.

LinkofHyrule89 commented 8 years ago

Ready to merge now I think if it's approved :P

LinkofHyrule89 commented 8 years ago

Correction now it's ready. I missed one small thing.

LinkofHyrule89 commented 8 years ago

Rebasing and splitting into multiple commits.