jpd002 / Play-

Play! - PlayStation2 Emulator
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Latest apk version of play will not install #565

Closed paulaz2 closed 2 years ago

paulaz2 commented 7 years ago

Since the creation of the last three builds of play non of them seems to install in my phone

paulaz2 commented 7 years ago

screenshot_20170514-004209 Image prove

Sarkie commented 7 years ago

Have you removed the old versions?

rbohannon89 commented 7 years ago

I have the same problem on my tablet but it might be because it's Amazon fire tablet. For me there is no other version installed.

paulaz2 commented 7 years ago

sarkie no other version installed

jpd002 commented 7 years ago

@paulaz2 Which Android version and phone model?

paulaz2 commented 7 years ago

Android 6.0 Infinity hot 4 pro

Zer0xFF commented 7 years ago

@paulaz2: the best I can find about that phone is that it's using Mali-400MP2, which i imagine to be a base variant of Mali-400 which only supports OpenGL ES 2.0. the minimum requirement is OpenGL ES 3.0.

The Question is, has it ever installed, if so, it really shouldn't have, and if it did, it shouldn't even run.

@rbohannon89: which model is it. if it's the Fire (2015) then its also an OpenGL ES 2.0 device.

rbohannon89 commented 7 years ago

I can tell you everything about it. I'll include a link any help you can give me on how it get it up and running be a huge help to me while I test games on it. Fire Tablet with Alexa, 7" Display, 8 GB, Black - with Special Offers

Zer0xFF commented 7 years ago

@rbohannon89 as I mentioned, your tablet seems to be 5th generation - 2015 release which doesn't support the newer OpenGL ES 3.0 standards, as such your device is not supported.

rbohannon89 commented 7 years ago

Understood thank you.

paulaz2 commented 7 years ago

@Thunder07 you have the wrong version I do run games is openGES 3.0 screenshot_20170517-091509 screenshot_20170517-091513

This is my game collection screenshot_20170517-092058

Jet li screenshot_20170517-092125 screenshot_20170517-092159 Runs at 2fps eMulator force closes as in-game start screenshot_20170517-092604 Downhill stuck at loading screen

Zer0xFF commented 7 years ago

@paulaz2 sorry about that, it was hard enough to find the phone.

ok, so are you saying of this list, that last one that install was dec 2016?

paulaz2 commented 7 years ago

@Thunder07 yeah the latest 2017 build does not install.....

paulaz2 commented 7 years ago

@Thunder07 the latest 20170509 version is even worst screenshot_20170518-001840

AbandonedCart commented 7 years ago

@paulaz2 That could be a corrupt download. You may have downloaded it before the full file was available. If you download it again and it is still not working, run logcat when you go to install and it will tell you the issue. It will most likely come from the tag "PackageManager"

paulaz2 commented 7 years ago

@Loungekatt but still apk did not install

AbandonedCart commented 7 years ago

If you download it again and it is still not working, run logcat when you go to install and it will tell you the issue. It will most likely come from the tag "PackageManager"

What was the error message?

paulaz2 commented 7 years ago

@Loungekatt What is logcat

AbandonedCart commented 7 years ago

It is a somewhat excessive guide, but it doesn't miss a step.

paulaz2 commented 7 years ago

I can't run logcat

paulaz2 commented 7 years ago

@Loungekatt any other solution?

paulaz2 commented 7 years ago

@Loungekatt any other solution?

AbandonedCart commented 7 years ago

If logcat isn't working, you may need to contact the manufacturer for support. That is part of the firmware that should never stop working.

Zer0xFF commented 7 years ago

@paulaz2 can you confirm if Play-20170123.apk works or not?

paulaz2 commented 6 years ago

@Thunder07 the version installed

Zer0xFF commented 6 years ago

That was the last release before the change to cmake, which was accompanied by update of the gradle build system for android, which i suspect is the cause of the issue.

I'm working on something now, but once I get the chance I'll post you an APK using an even newer version gradle and see if that resolves it.

Edit: @paulaz2 can you try this note: this is slightly different version compared to current master, as it contains some changes im currently testing, but the point of this apk is to test if gradle update is the issue (I've also signed it with the new v2 system) also, since this is signed with my cert it wont install on top of the current installed version, so you must uninstall it 1st.

AbandonedCart commented 6 years ago

The best test would be to build the current code from a different machine and test that before making changes. If the version before cmake works, and there are no issues for others building locally, then it could be an issue with corruption, outdated binaries, etc on the system for the public builds. Updating gradle wouldn't resolve that, so it should probably be ruled out before further modifying the build process.

Zer0xFF commented 6 years ago

The best test would be to build the current code from a different machine and test that over making changes.

I agree, the thing was, I suspected it could be the gradle upgrade, and since I was already working on something and had gradle update, it was more convenient to test this theory out 1st (since changing gradle version will rebuild the entire native side of the project)

so i will post another apk later to test that as well.

paulaz2 commented 6 years ago

@Thunder07 it installed

Zer0xFF commented 6 years ago

@paulaz2 can you now try this Play-release-v1-v2.apk (this one is of the same commit as my android_cleanup PR, aka without gradle update, with v1 v2 signature, which android studio is forcing me into)( this apk doesnt contain Play library for the sake of a faster build)

sero583 commented 6 years ago

@Thunder07 This is crashing directly on start on my S8

sero583 commented 6 years ago

Its a exynos one but doesnt matter at all I guess

Zer0xFF commented 6 years ago

@sero583 the latest one is meant to crash, it's an empty shell just got for testing installation.

sero583 commented 6 years ago

@Thunder07 Ugh didnt knew anyway why doesnt the weekly builds update anymore? Its already much time gone since the latest one, btw I got a Q and thats if you would make PCSX2 android compataible would it be possible to get enough/well FPS?

Zer0xFF commented 6 years ago

@sero583 this project has no association with PCSX2, if you want to know try asking them.

Updates are released when ready, and while they're called weekly builds, they' actually follow a monthly build release.

AbandonedCart commented 6 years ago

@sero583 You won't have much luck asking the developers of PCSX2. I ported it a while back and it had even more overhead than this one. The entire project is focused on PC. Even mac is extremely experimental, outdated, and not even published as a compatible platform. Your best bet is to make any attempt you can to provide constructive feedback to @jpd002 to improve this one.

sero583 commented 6 years ago

@LoungeKatt Well what I can only say about it Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 runs well in its menu the sound is very delayed and yeah rendering issues in game are often there and also in the menu for example at animated things like gotens mouth in the main menu. It is very slow as we all know well thats pretty much what I can say, to provide constructive feedback, I also need constructive questions about what the dev/-s would like to know. And yeah its only targeted to PC the name says that but well I dont think that matters much

AbandonedCart commented 6 years ago

It matters if you are trying to run it on Android or iOS, neither of which it supports. I can't speak for @jpd002 personally, but details about when and where the graphical issues happen are usually a big help. That makes it easier to track a specific type of rendering or texture. Thanks.

BTW: The purpose of calling it "constructive feedback" was that it is all too common to get issues like "It crashes! I setted the volume but can't hear it!" which is almost impossible to diagnose.

sero583 commented 6 years ago

@LoungeKatt Well what I can say is that the sound delay etc. is probably coming from the not well implemented emulator for android, well anyway What I can say is that in DBZ BDK 3 on the home screen sometimes animated things like gohan etc. talking get a black square around the whole animated graphic and that in most games arenas are just gray and you cant really see much except when you load your ki, you slightly see it and when you move around sometimes its blackscreen but going back to old position makes it again "normal" (gray world, only water is blue) ect.

AbandonedCart commented 6 years ago

Poorly implemented is a bit harsh considering the drastic difference between Android and PC, but thanks for the details.

I did see "poorly" was changed to "not well" but what I meant was that this is not a windows build that can run in Android using a wrapper (like wine is to Windows for Mac). It was an extension of the code base to also build specifically for Android, so it is a lot like starting fresh. A Windows emulator that has always been and will always be a Windows emulator will obviously have some advantages if you are willing to settle for only running it on Windows.

ghost commented 6 years ago

This can be close right?

AbandonedCart commented 6 years ago

@paulaz2 only you can do that ;)

sero583 commented 6 years ago

@LoungeKatt No @jpd002 and repo op's also lololol

AbandonedCart commented 6 years ago

@sero583 (Edit) Obviously. No need to troll.