jpd236 / Big-Board

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Investigate potential issues with Firefox/3p cookies #13

Open jpd236 opened 5 months ago

jpd236 commented 5 months ago

One user reported:

FWIW, I had issues connecting to the big board in my primary browser due to issues with 3rd party cookies. My backup browser works, but i figured i'd mention in case anyone else has similar issues. ... Firefox 121.0.1 (8 Jan), windows 11, AdBlockPlus, NoScript (whitelisted everything on the page), defaults to blocked cross site tracking cookies/isolate other 3rd party cookies (whitelisted everything on the page)

Whether or not we stick with Big Board, it might be good to dig into this in case the issues follow us to the new board, especially if we mess with the login flow to keep it similar to what we have.