jpd236 / CrosswordScraper

Browser extension which downloads crosswords from crossword applets for offline solving.
Apache License 2.0
28 stars 1 forks source link

Chrome bug? #17

Closed mmespeer closed 1 year ago

mmespeer commented 1 year ago

When I use Crossword Scraper I get the window to make my choice, I choose PUZ and the download box slips behind the Scraper box and I can't click to download. This has happened before. Is there a way to get around it?

jpd236 commented 1 year ago

Strange - I'm not sure what's happening there. What browser are you using?

Some thoughts off the top of my head would be:

Does one of those help?

mmespeer commented 1 year ago

Thanks. I'm using Chrome. I've turned off the prompt to ask for a destination. That should help.

jpd236 commented 1 year ago

Got it. It seems like an issue on the Chrome side if the download prompt is showing up underneath a Chrome extension popup which launches it, rather than on top of it. There's not really anything I can think of that we can do on the extension side to influence where the download prompt pops up - all we're doing is creating a file URL and Chrome is responsible for everything that happens when you click it.

I'll have to close this as infeasible; hopefully the workaround is reasonable enough here. Will keep an eye for more reports to see if this becomes a pattern; if so, I guess at most we can try to create a small sample test case and pass the report along to Chrome.