jpd236 / CrosswordScraper

Browser extension which downloads crosswords from crossword applets for offline solving.
Apache License 2.0
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Feature request: click on plug-in icon to download preferred file format #21

Closed arelkin closed 1 year ago

arelkin commented 1 year ago

Adding options to preferences to allow clicking on plugin-icon to automatically download users preferred file format. (no option chosen will bring dropdown menu when clicking on icon




jpd236 commented 1 year ago

I'm supportive of this - saves a click for each download in the common case that you always want the same format and there's exactly one puzzle on the page. I was able to prototype it and it does seem to work.

Some thoughts / things to iron out:

arelkin commented 1 year ago

Yes, these are valid concerns. Is there a way for Scraper users to begin testing your proof of concept to find out how these issue might be tested and tweaked into place?

jpd236 commented 1 year ago

I've checked in an initial cut of this. Most of the above concerns are addressed; the main risks are:

If you want to test this before the next release, you can try one of the attached snapshots depending on your browser. Instructions for testing a custom release are here:

arelkin commented 1 year ago

Have run a few tests. So far, so good. Will continue testing. But so far, looks great. Thanks for implementing this suggestion.

arelkin commented 1 year ago

Firefox must continually check to see if all plugins are officially installed. I took your zip and renamed it to the hex plugin name in my FF profile {d481.....d74d}, then changed the extension to .xpi.

This worked fine for a while, till FF "checked" its plugins. Since now CS wasn't officially authorized, it deactivated it. :-(

I had to go back to the official version. But, I did get to test it out. Looks great and works great.

jpd236 commented 1 year ago

Glad to hear it's working.

I filed in the hopes that I can get to the bottom of why the arbitrary 100ms delay is necessary for Firefox, but will probably just release this either way in the next few weeks.

arelkin commented 1 year ago

Excited for the actual release.

As mentioned, I was only able to use it until FF did its authorized-install check, after which, it turned off the plug-in with no way to reactivate.

arelkin commented 1 year ago

I found this information on how to temporarily install a pre-release version of a plug-in, without FF continually disabling the plug-in as a not legitimate install.

  1. open Firefox
  2. enter "about:debugging" in the URL bar
  3. click "This Firefox"
  4. click "Load Temporary Add-on"
  5. open the extension's directory and select any file inside the extension, or select the packaged extension (.zip file).
jpd236 commented 1 year ago

Thanks - updated to include these instructions for Firefox.

I uploaded the new version (1.2.16) a couple of days ago and it's available on Firefox, so closing this out. For whatever reason, the Chrome update is taking a bit longer to approve, but it should hopefully go live soon there as well.