jpd236 / CrosswordScraper

Browser extension which downloads crosswords from crossword applets for offline solving.
Apache License 2.0
28 stars 1 forks source link

Support for Safari #5

Open saweyer opened 2 years ago

saweyer commented 2 years ago

you probably get a lot of such requests. is adding a Safari extension too difficult? not high priority since I can get by with Firefox (I keep it around as 2nd browse). thx

fantastic extension btw. Steve

jpd236 commented 2 years ago

It looks like there is a way to convert Chrome extensions to Safari extensions:

Assuming that works without too much fuss - which I'm not super sure about - it might not be too bad to at least build the extension.

I'd be more concerned about ongoing testing, since I use Windows in my day-to-day, and about distribution, since I think that has to go through the Apple Store which charges a $99 fee even for free app distribution.

I'll at least try to take a look at whether it builds with the simple converter - that would potentially produce an extension you could install manually, and for a one-off case maybe that's okay. This is the first request I've explicitly seen for another browser.

saweyer commented 2 years ago

thanks for the suggestion / info. I had played with a couple of XCode projects a few years back, but after I stopped using it, the large updates got annoying so I removed it.

if I get around to reinstalling Xcode, I'd try the conversion to Safari -- but since your Firefox version works so well maybe that won't be for awhile.


jpd236 commented 2 years ago

Sounds good - let me know how it goes, if you get the chance.

I'll leave this open for the longer term, but for now I plan to leave this on the backburner given the costs (actually $99 annually, not one-time), the extra maintenance burden it would be, even if the conversion happens to work well, and the relative lack of demand thus far, since this is the only request as of now.

Happy to revisit if the situation changes regarding any of the above. Also happy to explore other browsers if the cost of distribution is free/minimal and it's relatively easy to port.