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Misparse of word: といいます #366

Open saraphl opened 8 months ago

saraphl commented 8 months ago

Sentence for which the misparse happens


Word which has been incorrectly parsed


Additional comments

This is a very basic sentence from Genki 1 deck. The word といいます should be paired with という (to be called), but instead it's paired with とう (to ask).


For the time being, I'm putting the kana version of とう in my blacklist. However when I click "edit sentences" for this word, I see that all these sentences have been wrongly assigned to this verb:


saraphl commented 8 months ago

What's more, if I want to set this sentence to the correct verb manually, JPDB refuses it:


wchristian commented 2 weeks ago

ran into this as well, and only realized this was the problem after struggling with the word and meaning for quite a few days