jpemartins / speex.js

Speex codec in Javascript. Mirror from
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Speex Encoding #3

Closed xtremebrat closed 10 years ago

xtremebrat commented 11 years ago

I am not able to get the project to work . Can anyone provide me with a working html file that includes all the javascripts in order to encode a *.wav file.

A simple file to take the existing wav file and specify the output file and store it on the computer . JPEmartin please help me/

wilsonfmn commented 11 years ago

Hi, there!

I'm trying to get this to work with another library that gets audio input from my microphone. I'm getting the audio correctly from the first library, but the encoding goes so far as WAV. I tried then using speex.js for encoding, but I'm always getting a an array of length 76 (which i presume it to be the header of an speex file). It doens't matter what I pass to speex: raw audio or wav. Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance.

jpemartins commented 10 years ago

Fixed in bedffc214b2780cbdaeda32a65df10d676632359.

Checkout the demo app. You can now encode to OGG and download the file later on.