jperon / lyluatex

Alternative à lilypond-book pour lualatex
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optlib.merge_options #247

Closed uliska closed 5 years ago

uliska commented 5 years ago

A helper function to create a table with current options superseded by local options. This is not needed in lyluatex where the same result is achieved through the Score object, but typically a client is required to perform this merge for any score (or other element).

@jperon there may be a few more minor PRs coming, although I really have to get back to writing content. But I want to drive my lyluatexmp package to the initial point where I can replace the old solution with the new package (i.e. have one command \lyfilemusicexample ready to be used). In that process I find that a number of tool functions “appear“ that need to be factored out, some to my own helper modules but some also to lyluatex. Maybe it is a good idea to merge these modules to one common LaTeX package at some point (when lyluatex has been through its next proper release and my own project is submitted).

jperon commented 5 years ago

@uliska "If I were you", I think I'd rather use the metatable and __index mechanism of Lua; that said, this function certainly may have use cases, so no objection for merge.

uliska commented 5 years ago

I think there are numerous valid use cases to write a client using lyluatex-options.lua whose needs are limited and where the extra effort of making the client object oriented is not really necessary.

In “my” case this is probably different, yes. I assume I'll stick to LaTeX for quite some time and will increasingly work on the Lua side of things because that's just so powerful and “clean“ (compared to TeX programming), especially when thinking about generation of things like composing a document from database entries or the like. One major task I'm still going to need is a package to typeset critical reports (from data exported from LilyPond). So it should really be worth the effort getting my head around how Lua is designed, and how it interacts with LaTeX.