jpetazzo / pipework

Software-Defined Networking tools for LXC (LinuX Containers)
Apache License 2.0
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Route dies after a while with lease renewal active #230

Closed rasmusbe closed 5 years ago

rasmusbe commented 5 years ago

When running pipework eth0 $CONTAINER_ID dhclient-f U:fixedMac it works fine at the begining.

But after a while it becomes inaccessible.

I looked in the host machine syslog and this is one error I suspect. dhclient[22765]: can't create /etc/dhclient/dhclient.containerid.leases: Permission denied

I've chmoded /etc/dhclient/ to be writeable for everyone, but it still seems to be denied.

rasmusbe commented 5 years ago

Found some logs about the avahi-daemon and tried to disabled it. Since I disabled it it works fine.