jpetazzo / squid-in-a-can

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Add the ability to append arbitrary squid directives #11

Closed tfoote closed 9 years ago

tfoote commented 9 years ago

Arbitrary directives can be added via SQUID_DIRECTIVES environment variable. And if appending is not enough control ONLY_SQUID_DIRECTIVES enables you to overwrite squid.conf instead of appending.

There are a few cleanup commits as well for best practices like collapsing apt-get update and apt-get install onto the same lines to keep them atomic. And removing duplicate conf declarations.

This is useful for tuning more cache parameters. We have a use case which needs more control of the cache at:

tfoote commented 9 years ago

Pending review I've posted this branch into the following docker hub image for testing tfoote/squid-in-a-can_pr_11

jpetazzo commented 9 years ago

Thank you so much, this is nice! And sorry for the sloooow answer on my end.