jpeterbaker / maxfield

Code for maximizing the Ingress fields on a given set fo portals
GNU General Public License v3.0
165 stars 56 forks source link

Suggestion: IITC plugin to extract basic portal data #29

Open kentfredric opened 9 years ago

kentfredric commented 9 years ago

There already exists an IITC plugin that on its own implements a very limited "max fields" behaviour, so the data is certainly there[1].

Just would need a similar extension that either did manual input of portals via selection, or simply using "The current viewport". The first of those limits what portals you can include by requiring a click-scan behaviour, but can easily be extended beyond a viewport size and won't be limited by portal visibility settings. The second of which is more convenient, but can exclude important portals due to the zoom limits.

This would also be able to tie in nicely with #17 once it is worked out how, in that IITC could help garner what links, fields and link-directions are already present to factor in, and that would also reduce any queries you have to do yourself to google's servers to determine that data

It would also be a good place to assign agents to keys, because it would be a simple case of going "click as agent #1", then clicking Agent1's portals, etc.

1: As to why I'm just not using that plugin, its nowhere near as useful as maxfields is, and doing the heavy lifting in the browser is just bad design imho, because browsers are not very specialised at solving those sorts of problems.

saadusman17 commented 9 years ago

+1 to this

DanielMartinus commented 9 years ago

I always used this tool of Chris Lennon If you use draw tools, draw a polygon and get the portals inside the polygon.

rspielmann commented 9 years ago

I've created an IITC plugin that allows you to add the currently selected portal to a list, then show the input for the maxfield script. It also highlights portals that are in the list, but lacks persistence at the moment (portals only stay selected until you reload the page).

If you want to test it, try the current version or check out my fork of iitc, where you find the source. There's also an open pull request to get this integrated into IITC some day - if you like the plugin, feel free to comment on that :)

itayo commented 8 years ago

There is also this one