jphung11 / COGS121

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Milestone 4 feedback #3

Open kandarpksk opened 7 years ago

siru-a commented 7 years ago

(Team TBD - C3)

Akshay Mahajan: I was confused by the way you used the "List", "Home", and "Settings" buttons - I felt like a hamburger menu could have been more intuitive, or perhaps just using icons somewhere else on the screen. I was also confused as to how you will showcase multiple recommendations - can I only get guided to one recommendation or can I do multiple? Great idea though.

Timothy: I was confused about what the litte icons meaning the map, an what things are pointing at. I wish this application would allow you to see your friends favorites food as well.

Prince Le: I was confused by how the app actually works. Does the user instantly see a picture of a recommended food when they first load the app, or do they choose a specific genre/type of food before the pictures show up? Also, does the recommendations show a specific food from a restaurant or the actual restaurant itself? Two of the two prototypes show different views so I am unsure which one is the correct one. Other than that, great work!

Siru A: I was a little confused by Tae Hee Ke's prototype. According to the paper prototype, users can swipe left and right to like or not like a restaurant. If they like the restaurant, will it be saved to the favorite list or the restaurant is just for determining the type of food users prefer?

reesewahlin commented 7 years ago

TEAM: Guography (C8)




⁃ I am a little confused about what the goal of the app is. How can I “like” a food item if I have not had it yet? Maybe you swipe through until you find a place you want to go, and then select that you are going there. Once the user returns to the app, they are prompted about whether or not they liked the food, and if so, it is labeled. This could add an interesting element of machine learning - suggesting food based off of past likes. ⁃ So for distances, maps make a lot of sense. you can see how far a food place is or what not. However, when trying to determine if it is a place you want to go, it isn’t very helpful. What comes to mind for me, is shopping centers with many restaurants in them. This would look cluttered and I would quickly want a different screen to determine which place I want to go to based off ratings, menu etc. ⁃ Finally, I think there is a better use of screen real estate here. The whole screen for one food item (in a tinder-esque sort of way) seems to be wasting a fair amount of space. When I’m looking for food, I probably don’t need the whole screen and would rather have 3-4 options to glance at on the first go around.