jpickup / mvoc-iconic-one-theme

Child theme of Iconic One for the MVOC website
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Insist on event website? #24

Open IanDitchfield2 opened 3 weeks ago

IanDitchfield2 commented 3 weeks ago

I find one of the errors I'm making most frequently in setting up events is forgetting to fill in the event webpage url. So I'm wondering whether we could validate to ensure that it is not blank?

Or more specifically, that EITHER the event url is not blank OR the event is flagged as being a featured event, since there's no point in putting the Mole Valley web address in for Mole Valley events.

I originally though this validation would not be a good idea, as very occasionally I put an event in which only has a BOF entry and has yet to be assigned to a club - eg British Championships and JK's when they first appear allocated to a region with no area or club (no examples at the moment, haven't got that far through the take-on from the old calendar). However, I could get around the validation for these by putting the BOF webpage address in.