jpillora / chisel

A fast TCP/UDP tunnel over HTTP
MIT License
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Question about using a fingerprint and hide credential in base64 #510

Open gemini2186 opened 3 months ago

gemini2186 commented 3 months ago

I have couple questions 😏

I run server like this chisel server --keyfile '<key file path>' -p 9312 --socks5 and i connected like this: chisel client --fingerprint '<see server output>' <server-address>:9312 socks I discovered that if you do not specify the --fingerprint parameter in the client startup line, the connection will still be successful. Is this how it should be?

How can i hide my credential in base64, when i use parameter --auth. Need an example. It will be like this: chisel server --auth | <base64_line> --keyfile '<key file path>' -p 9312 --socks5 ?

Thanks for any help!