jpillora / installer

One-liner for installing binaries from Github releases
MIT License
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Filter release artifacts #42

Open onedr0p opened 7 months ago

onedr0p commented 7 months ago

I have a use-case with siderolabs/talos@v1.6.2 (release). I would like to only grab the talosctl artifact from these releases. Right now it only pulls talos which is not what I want.

Maybe there can be a filter arg like ?filter=talosctl&as=tctl that wraps a glob around the filter ?

jpillora commented 7 months ago

I think a select param might be useful (filter can imply more than 1 result)

However, it looks like its already matching talosctl

Note, installer uses the repo name as the binary name by default - I would like to use the file name, it's just not reliably set everywhere

onedr0p commented 7 months ago

Huh yeah you are right! I was seeing the resulting binary as talos and forgot to set ?as in my test.