jpillora / node-edit-google-spreadsheet

A simple API for editing Google Spreadsheets
304 stars 101 forks source link

Feature: Worksheet API #56

Open jpillora opened 9 years ago

jpillora commented 9 years ago

Looking for Contributors Please look through these notes and then the source and if you decide to give this a shot, mention that you're working on this in the comments below and I'll give you push access.

A spreadsheet is the entire document, and a worksheet is a tab in the document. Currently this module models 1 spreadsheet and 1 worksheet, it should actually model N worksheets, just as spreadsheets do. The proposed feature would result in the API below. Please +1 below so we can gauge interest. I've specified a rough outline of the changes that need to be made, though they're subject to change.

A few initial notes:

See prototype code:

  username: creds.username,
  password: creds.password,
  spreadsheetName: 'node-edit-spreadsheet',
  worksheetName: 'Sheet1'  //worksheet becomes optional
}, function run(err, spreadsheet) {
  if(err) throw err;

  spreadsheet.worksheets === [ /* worksheet instances */, /* */ ];
  spreadsheet.worksheet === { /* Sheet1 instance */ };

  //actually does

  //and there's now 'load', 'create' and 'delete' methods

  spreadsheet.load("Sheet 3", function(err, worksheet) {

  spreadsheet.create("Sheet 2", function(err, worksheet) {

  spreadsheet.delete("Sheet 1", function(err) {

Verdier commented 9 years ago

+1 !

Shuyinsama commented 9 years ago

+1 I need this so badly :D

andreconrado commented 9 years ago


adriank commented 9 years ago


I'm mostly interested in autocreation of worksheet e.g.:

    worksheetName: "MySheet"

should silently create MySheet instead of throwing error: "worksheet 'MySheet' not found". It could be configured like that:

    worksheetName: "MySheet"

The simplest thing that would work seems to be just calling G API with:

Content-Type: application/atom+xml

<entry xmlns=""

It would be awesome if you could add this feature to the library, but if you are too busy could you share some hints on how to avoid headaches associated with G API and where to insert this call in the code?

Thanks :)


jpillora commented 9 years ago

@adriank I'd opt for the passing a create boolean option. You're right about me being busy :( Haven't used this library in about 2 years and haven't written any Node for about 1 year. Happy to help you get started with this though. In terms of hints, there's not much to add to the notes above. Did you have questions in particular?

adriank commented 9 years ago

@jpillora I also have trouble finding time to code anything recently. Will see if I find someone to add this feature.

BTW. Do you recommend using the library since it's 2 years old? Or is it better to use something else that is supported? Do you know any other library that deals with Google Apps? I'm interested in integrating many Google's APIs and the best solution would be one library that covers all of Google products:).

jpillora commented 9 years ago

@adriank 3,109 downloads in the last month and only 1 reported bug which hardly anyone encounters. This library uses Google Sheets API version 3.0 so as long as that is supported by Google - this library should be fine to use.

blak3r2 commented 9 years ago

Hey guys, I got started on adding a new worksheet feature.

I'm encountering an error from google... POST method does not support concurrency i then found this mailing list post... and the guys solution was to remove the If-Match: * on the headers. This unfortunately doesn't work and just results in If-Match or If-None-Match header or entry etag attribute required, I think this worked with protocol version 1. If I changed the protocol version, then the .load method fails to find the spreadsheet so i kinda gave up on that approach.

Any ideas?

Spreadsheet.prototype.addWorksheet = function(worksheetTitle, callback) {
  var url = '' + this.spreadsheetId + '/private/full';
  var payload = '<entry xmlns="" xmlns:gs="">' 
          + '<title>' + worksheetTitle + '</title>'
          + '<gs:rowCount>50</gs:rowCount>'
          + '<gs:colCount>10</gs:colCount>'
          + '</entry>';

  var opts = {
    url: url,
    body: payload,
    method: "POST"

  this.request(opts, function(err, result) {
      if(err) { callback(err); }
      else {